Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm UbbelohdeAge: 55 years1794–1849
- Name
- Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde
- Surname
- Ubbelohde
- Given names
- Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm
Family with Caroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns |
himself |
Birth: August 4, 1794 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: December 5, 1849 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
wife |
Birth: July 19, 1799 25 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 16, 1882 — Kloster Mariensee |
daughter |
Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde Birth: July 25, 1822 27 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 22, 1917 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
18 months son |
Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde Birth: January 13, 1824 29 24 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: March 14, 1871 — Buenos Aires, Argentinien |
18 months son |
Carl Ernst Christian Ubbelohde Birth: July 29, 1825 30 26 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: February 14, 1904 — Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin |
2 years son |
Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde Birth: November 15, 1827 33 28 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: May 10, 1894 — Celle |
6 years son |
Birth: November 18, 1833 39 34 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: September 30, 1898 — Marburg, Hessen |
21 months daughter |
Birth: August 4, 1835 41 36 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 1, 1895 — Magdeburg |
3 years son |
Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde Birth: April 16, 1838 43 38 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: |
son |
Theodor Carl Ubbelohde Birth: April 16, 1838 43 38 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: February 27, 1897 — Antwerpen, Belgien |
Birth | August 4, 1794 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde July 25, 1822 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde January 13, 1824 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Carl Ernst Christian Ubbelohde July 29, 1825 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde November 15, 1827 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | August Phillip Ubbelohde November 18, 1833 (Age 39 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie Ubbelohde August 4, 1835 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde April 16, 1838 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a son #8 | Theodor Carl Ubbelohde April 16, 1838 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a grandson #1 | August Wilhelm Theodor Carl Ubbelohde April 7, 1844 (Age 49 years) |
Birth of a grandson #2 | Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde August 1, 1848 (Age 53 years) |
Occupation | Oberfinanzrat |
Death | December 5, 1849 (Age 55 years) |
Last change | November 27, 2020 – 13:31:10 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde , oberfinanzrat, was born on August 4, 1794 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on December 5, 1849 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland at the age of 55. He marriedCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , daughter ofJulius August Ludwig Brauns andAnna Maria Elisabeth Soltmann .Children of
Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns :Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde (1822–1917)Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde (1824–1871)Carl Ernst Christian Ubbelohde (1825–1904)Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde (1827–1894)August Phillip Ubbelohde (1833–1898)Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie Ubbelohde (1835–1895)Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde (1838–)Theodor Carl Ubbelohde (1838–1897)
- Generation 2back to top
Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde , daughter ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on July 25, 1822 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on October 22, 1917 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland at the age of 95. She marriedHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde .Children of
Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde andHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde :August Wilhelm Theodor Carl Ubbelohde (1844–1907)Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde (1848–1900)Eduard Wilhelm August Ubbelohde (1851–)
Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on January 13, 1824 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on March 14, 1871 in Buenos Aires, Argentinien at the age of 47.Carl Ernst Christian Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on July 29, 1825 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on February 14, 1904 in Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin at the age of 78.Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on November 15, 1827 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on May 10, 1894 in Celle at the age of 66. He marriedJohanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe .Children of
Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde andJohanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe :Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde (1877–1964)
August Phillip Ubbelohde , jurist, son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on November 18, 1833 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on September 30, 1898 in Marburg, Hessen at the age of 64. He marriedAnna Therese Unger .Children of
August Phillip Ubbelohde andAnna Therese Unger :Otto Ubbelohde (1867–1922)
Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie Ubbelohde , daughter ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on August 4, 1835 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on October 1, 1895 in Magdeburg at the age of 60. She marriedCarl Ludwig Heinrich Bornemann .Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on April 16, 1838 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland.Theodor Carl Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on April 16, 1838 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on February 27, 1897 in Antwerpen, Belgien at the age of 58.
- Generation 3back to top
August Wilhelm Theodor Carl Ubbelohde , son ofHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde andJohanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde , was born on April 7, 1844 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on January 2, 1907 in Friedland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, at the age of 62.Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde , pastor, son ofHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde andJohanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde , was born on August 1, 1848 in Aurich / Ostfriesland and died on December 2, 1900 in Lüneburg at the age of 52. He marriedAnna Sattler (great-aunt’s daughter), daughter ofHermann Heinrich Friedrich Christian “Fritz” Sattler andCaroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke .Children of
Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde andAnna Sattler :Gertrud Ubbelohde (1882–)Maria Ubbelohde (1884–)Hermann Ubbelohde (1889–)
Eduard Wilhelm August Ubbelohde , son ofHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde andJohanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde , was born on November 6, 1851 in Aurich / Ostfriesland.Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde , son ofJulius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde andJohanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe , was born on January 4, 1877 in Hannover and died on February 28, 1964 in Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 87.Otto Ubbelohde , son ofAugust Phillip Ubbelohde andAnna Therese Unger , was born on November 5, 1867 in Hannover and died on May 8, 1922 in Goßfelden at the age of 54. He marriedJohanne Ernestine “Hanna” Unger .