Otto Wilhelm UbbelohdeAge: 52 years1848–1900
- Name
- Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde
- Surname
- Ubbelohde
- Given names
- Otto Wilhelm
- Wilhelm
Family with parents |
father |
Heinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde Birth: June 26, 1808 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: December 25, 1888 — Lüneburg |
mother |
Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde Birth: July 25, 1822 27 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 22, 1917 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
elder brother |
August Wilhelm Theodor Carl Ubbelohde Birth: April 7, 1844 35 21 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: January 2, 1907 — Friedland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, |
4 years himself |
Birth: August 1, 1848 40 26 — Aurich / Ostfriesland Death: December 2, 1900 — Lüneburg |
3 years younger brother |
Eduard Wilhelm August Ubbelohde Birth: November 6, 1851 43 29 — Aurich / Ostfriesland Death: |
Family with Anna Sattler |
himself |
Birth: August 1, 1848 40 26 — Aurich / Ostfriesland Death: December 2, 1900 — Lüneburg |
wife |
Birth: September 24, 1848 38 38 — Varrel, Kreis Sulingen Death: December 4, 1904 — Lüneburg |
daughter |
3 years daughter |
5 years son |
Hermann Ubbelohde Birth: November 6, 1889 41 41 — Lüneburg Death: |
Birth | August 1, 1848 40 26 |
Birth of a brother | Eduard Wilhelm August Ubbelohde November 6, 1851 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Gertrud Ubbelohde January 22, 1882 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Maria Ubbelohde September 8, 1884 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a father | Heinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde December 25, 1888 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Hermann Ubbelohde November 6, 1889 (Age 41 years) |
Occupation | Pastor |
Death | December 2, 1900 (Age 52 years) |
Last change | July 27, 2017 – 11:02:32 |
- Generation 1
Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde , pastor, son ofHeinrich Ludwig Carl Ubbelohde andJohanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde , was born on August 1, 1848 in Aurich / Ostfriesland and died on December 2, 1900 in Lüneburg at the age of 52. He marriedAnna Sattler (great-aunt’s daughter), daughter ofHermann Heinrich Friedrich Christian “Fritz” Sattler andCaroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke .Children of
Otto Wilhelm Ubbelohde andAnna Sattler :Gertrud Ubbelohde (1882–)Maria Ubbelohde (1884–)Hermann Ubbelohde (1889–)
- Generation 2back to top
Gertrud Ubbelohde , lehrerin, daughter ofOtto Wilhelm Ubbelohde andAnna Sattler , was born on January 22, 1882 in Lüneburg. She marriedGeorg Sinn .Maria Ubbelohde , turn- und Handarbeitslehrerin, daughter ofOtto Wilhelm Ubbelohde andAnna Sattler , was born on September 8, 1884 in Lüneburg and died in Lüneburg.Hermann Ubbelohde , pastor, son ofOtto Wilhelm Ubbelohde andAnna Sattler , was born on November 6, 1889 in Lüneburg. He marriedAnnemarie Scholz .