Alexander Heinrich Woldemar von HornhardtAge: 79 years1830–1909
- Name
- Alexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt
- Given names
- Alexander Heinrich Woldemar
- Surname
- von Hornhardt
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: May 13, 1793 26 26 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: June 30, 1874 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
mother |
Birth: July 1, 1800 — Detmold Death: December 12, 1873 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
elder brother |
Friedrich Gottlieb Hornhardt Birth: February 16, 1825 31 24 — Borkhausen Death: July 26, 1859 — Kawesky, Wisconsin |
22 months elder sister |
Birth: December 21, 1826 33 26 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: January 15, 1903 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe |
14 months elder brother |
Otto Theodor August Hornhardt Birth: February 29, 1828 34 27 Death: January 4, 1900 — Bremen, Deutschland |
2 years himself |
Birth: April 17, 1830 36 29 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: November 28, 1909 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
4 years younger brother |
Karl August Hermann Hornhardt Birth: April 30, 1834 40 33 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: October 1884 — Chicago, Cook County, Illinois |
4 years younger brother |
Ernst August Adolf Friedrich “Fritz” Hornhardt Birth: October 17, 1837 44 37 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: February 4, 1915 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
7 years younger sister |
Sophie Marie Julie Hornhardt Birth: August 7, 1844 51 44 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: December 28, 1870 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
sister |
Family with Helene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse |
himself |
Birth: April 17, 1830 36 29 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: November 28, 1909 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
wife |
Birth: January 2, 1840 42 34 — Lemgo Death: December 26, 1922 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
daughter |
Margarethe von Hornhardt Birth: August 8, 1862 32 22 — Detmold Death: February 6, 1864 — Detmold |
16 months son |
Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt Birth: November 29, 1863 33 23 — Detmold Death: February 9, 1864 — Detmold |
13 months son |
Albert von Hornhardt Birth: December 21, 1864 34 24 — Detmold Death: March 26, 1916 — Köln |
19 months son |
Alexander Albrechts August Heinrich von Hornhardt Birth: July 10, 1866 36 26 — Detmold Death: |
4 years daughter |
Käthe von Hornhardt Birth: January 14, 1870 39 30 — Soest Death: |
2 years son |
Karl von Hornhardt Birth: April 30, 1872 42 32 — Soest Death: 1958 |
20 months son |
Hans von Hornhardt Birth: December 21, 1873 43 33 — Soest Death: September 8, 1914 — Antilly, Frankreich |
Note | Am 14.05.1890 in den Adelstand erhoben. |
Note | Diensteintritt: 12. 2. 1849 als Offiz. Asp. i. d. Füs. B. Lippe. - 1849/50 Div.•Schule i. Münster. - 25. 8. bis 1. 10. 1850 zum Inf. R. 16 k. - 10. 7· 1849 P. F. - Reifezeugnis z. Offiz. d. d. Berlin 15. 10. 1850. - 22. 7· 1851 S. Lt. - 1. 7· 1853 auf 3 Wochen zur Erweiterung seiner milit. Kenntnisse z. Inf. R. 30 (Coblenz) k. - :1.4. 12. :1.853 bis 1. 1. :1.864 B. Adj. - 11. 5· 1859 P:r. Lt. - :1.. 1. :1.864 Hptm. - 15. 8. :1.866 Komp.= Chef. - 25. 9· 1867 aus dem lipp. Milit.=Dienst ausgesch. - 25. 9. 1867 i. preuß. Dienste übern. u. d. Inf. R. :1.3 aggr. - 22. 3· 1868 als Komp.=Chef i. d. Regt. einrang. - 10. 2. 1872 Maj. d. Regt. aggr. - 2:1. . 11. :1.872 i. d. Rgt. einrang. - :1.7. 2. 1873 Komm. des Füs. B. - 18. 4· 1878 Oberstlt. - :1.3 . 9· 1882 Oberst. - 2. 11. 1882 zum Korn. des Inf. R. 82 ern. - 4· 2. 1888 Gen. Maj. u. Korn . d. 3· Inf. Brg. - 22. 3· :1.889 Inspekteur d. :1.. Landw. Inspektion. - 24. 3· 1890 i. Genehmigung s. Absch. Gesuchs unter Verleihung der Char. als Gen. Lt. z. D. gestellt. - :1.4. 5· :1.890 der erbliche Adel verliehen. Orden : 30. 3· :1.863 L MV. - L D H Im. Schw. u. m. Schw. a. R. - L H 3 m. Schw. - PEis.Kr. 1.- PRAO 2m. E.- PKr. 0 2.- PD Kr. Feldzüge: :1.866, :1.870/71. |
- Generation 1
Alexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt , königlich Preußischer Generalleutnant, son ofFriedrich Adolph Hornhardt andJuliane Luise Riedemann , was born on April 17, 1830 in Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen and died on November 28, 1909 in Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen at the age of 79. He marriedHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , daughter ofAugust Hasse andCarolina Johanna Margaretha Bernhardina Meister .Children of
Alexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse :Margarethe von Hornhardt (1862–1864)Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt (1863–1864)Albert von Hornhardt (1864–1916)Alexander Albrechts August Heinrich von Hornhardt (1866–)Käthe von Hornhardt (1870–)Karl von Hornhardt (1872–1958)Hans von Hornhardt (1873–1914)
- Generation 2back to top
Margarethe von Hornhardt , daughter ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on August 8, 1862 in Detmold and died on February 6, 1864 in Detmold at the age of 17 months.Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt , son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on November 29, 1863 in Detmold and died on February 9, 1864 in Detmold at the age of 2 months.Albert von Hornhardt , son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on December 21, 1864 in Detmold and died on March 26, 1916 in Köln at the age of 51. He marriedHelene Weber .Children of
Albert von Hornhardt andHelene Weber :Alexander Albrechts August Heinrich von Hornhardt , son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on July 10, 1866 in Detmold. He marriedGrete Priester .Käthe von Hornhardt , daughter ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on January 14, 1870 in Soest.Karl von Hornhardt , konteradmiral, son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on April 30, 1872 in Soest and died in 1958 at the age of 85.Hans von Hornhardt , son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on December 21, 1873 in Soest and died on September 8, 1914 in Antilly, Frankreich at the age of 40.
- Generation 3back to top
Alexander Karl Albert Hans von Hornhardt , son ofAlbert von Hornhardt andHelene Weber , was born on February 28, 1902.Hans Karl Albert von Hornhardt , son ofAlbert von Hornhardt andHelene Weber , was born on February 28, 1906.
Source | Infos über Ehefrau und Kinder bei "Familienverband Luyken" unter |
Source | Die lippischen Offiziere im Reichskontingent und im Füsilier-Bataillon Lippe bis zu dessen Auflösung im Jahre 1867. |