Friedrich August Otto Karl von HornhardtAge: 2 months1863–1864
- Name
- Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt
- Given names
- Friedrich August Otto Karl
- Surname
- von Hornhardt
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: April 17, 1830 36 29 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: November 28, 1909 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
mother |
Birth: January 2, 1840 42 34 — Lemgo Death: December 26, 1922 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
elder sister |
Margarethe von Hornhardt Birth: August 8, 1862 32 22 — Detmold Death: February 6, 1864 — Detmold |
16 months himself |
Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt Birth: November 29, 1863 33 23 — Detmold Death: February 9, 1864 — Detmold |
13 months younger brother |
Albert von Hornhardt Birth: December 21, 1864 34 24 — Detmold Death: March 26, 1916 — Köln |
19 months younger brother |
Alexander Albrechts August Heinrich von Hornhardt Birth: July 10, 1866 36 26 — Detmold Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Käthe von Hornhardt Birth: January 14, 1870 39 30 — Soest Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Karl von Hornhardt Birth: April 30, 1872 42 32 — Soest Death: 1958 |
20 months younger brother |
Hans von Hornhardt Birth: December 21, 1873 43 33 — Soest Death: September 8, 1914 — Antilly, Frankreich |
Birth | November 29, 1863 33 23 |
Death of a sister | Margarethe von Hornhardt February 6, 1864 (Age 2 months) |
Death | February 9, 1864 (Age 2 months) |
- Generation 1
Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt , son ofAlexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt andHelene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse , was born on November 29, 1863 in Detmold and died on February 9, 1864 in Detmold at the age of 2 months.