Schmechel Waters Flemming Gielessen Demoulin Schmidtmann von Dahlen Kern Fink Wulf Ebert Lohmeyer

Margarethe von HornhardtAge: 17 months18621864

Margarethe von Hornhardt
Given names
von Hornhardt
Family with parents - View this family
Margarethe von Hornhardt
Birth: August 8, 1862 32 22Detmold
Death: February 6, 1864Detmold
16 months
younger brother
Friedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt
Birth: November 29, 1863 33 23Detmold
Death: February 9, 1864Detmold
13 months
younger brother
19 months
younger brother
Alexander Albrechts August Heinrich von Hornhardt
Birth: July 10, 1866 36 26Detmold
4 years
younger sister
Käthe von Hornhardt
Birth: January 14, 1870 39 30Soest
2 years
younger brother
Karl von Hornhardt
Birth: April 30, 1872 42 32Soest
Death: 1958
20 months
younger brother
Hans von Hornhardt
Birth: December 21, 1873 43 33Soest
Death: September 8, 1914Antilly, Frankreich

Birth August 8, 1862 32 22
Birth of a brotherFriedrich August Otto Karl von Hornhardt
November 29, 1863 (Age 15 months)
Death February 6, 1864 (Age 17 months)
  1. Generation 1
    1. Margarethe von Hornhardt, daughter of Alexander Heinrich Woldemar von Hornhardt and Helene Karoline Christine Mathilda Bertha Hasse, was born on August 8, 1862 in Detmold and died on February 6, 1864 in Detmold at the age of 17 months.

Margarethe von Hornhardt has 10 first cousins recorded