Otto Friedrich WachsmuthAge: 70 years1855–1925
- Name
- Otto Friedrich Wachsmuth
- Given names
- Otto Friedrich
- Surname
- Wachsmuth
Family with parents |
father |
Otto Eduard Friedrich Wachsmuth Birth: August 21, 1821 33 38 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: April 3, 1892 — Schieder |
mother |
Julie Luise Karoline Elise Hornhardt Birth: November 1, 1835 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: April 27, 1897 — Schieder, Kreis Lippe, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
himself |
Otto Friedrich Wachsmuth Birth: July 19, 1855 33 19 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: October 19, 1925 — Hagen i. W. |
18 months younger brother |
Alexander Hermann Karl Wachsmuth Birth: January 12, 1857 35 21 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: December 8, 1896 — Schieder |
22 months younger brother |
Hermann Gustav Otto Wachsmuth Birth: November 11, 1858 37 23 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: |
11 years younger brother |
Paul Alexander Wachsmuth Birth: September 11, 1869 48 33 — Schieder Death: 1942 — Herne i.W. |
Birth | July 19, 1855 33 19 |
Birth of a brother | Alexander Hermann Karl Wachsmuth January 12, 1857 (Age 17 months) |
Birth of a brother | Hermann Gustav Otto Wachsmuth November 11, 1858 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Paul Alexander Wachsmuth September 11, 1869 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a father | Otto Eduard Friedrich Wachsmuth April 3, 1892 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a brother | Alexander Hermann Karl Wachsmuth December 8, 1896 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a mother | Julie Luise Karoline Elise Hornhardt April 27, 1897 (Age 41 years) |
Death | October 19, 1925 (Age 70 years) |
- Generation 1
Otto Friedrich Wachsmuth , son ofOtto Eduard Friedrich Wachsmuth andJulie Luise Karoline Elise Hornhardt , was born on July 19, 1855 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on October 19, 1925 in Hagen i. W. at the age of 70.