Hermann Joseph WatersAge: 70 years1882–1953
- Name
- Hermann Joseph Waters
- Surname
- Waters
- Given names
- Hermann Joseph
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: May 4, 1860 29 30 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande Death: October 11, 1922 — Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
mother |
Birth: October 19, 1857 — Kirspel-Waldniel Death: November 2, 1941 — Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
himself |
Birth: September 19, 1882 22 24 — Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: July 9, 1953 — Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
14 months younger sister |
Birth: November 20, 1883 23 26 — Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Death: May 3, 1962 — Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
3 years younger brother |
Michael Aloys Waters Birth: about 1886 25 28 — Dülken Death: January 21, 1889 — Dülken |
2 years younger sister |
Birth: April 4, 1888 27 30 — Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Death: estimated 1987 — Homberg, Duisburg |
23 months younger sister |
Birth: February 24, 1890 29 32 — Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: May 3, 1976 — Kempen |
3 years younger brother |
Birth: 1892 31 34 — Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: August 22, 1914 — Bonviller, Frankreich |
23 months younger brother |
Birth: November 25, 1893 33 36 — Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Death: December 23, 1961 — Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
23 months younger sister |
3 years younger sister |
Birth | September 19, 1882 22 24 Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Latitude: N51.2538055555556 Longitude: E6.34055555555556 |
Birth of a sister | Anna Maria Waters November 20, 1883 (Age 14 months) Address: Mühlenweg 4, |
Birth of a brother | Michael Aloys Waters about 1886 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Gertrud Katharina Waters April 4, 1888 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a brother | Michael Aloys Waters January 21, 1889 (Age 6 years) Age: 3 |
Birth of a sister | Luise Anna Waters February 24, 1890 (Age 7 years) Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Latitude: N51.2538055555556 Longitude: E6.34055555555556 |
Birth of a brother | Gerhard Waters 1892 (Age 9 years) Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Latitude: N51.2538055555556 Longitude: E6.34055555555556 |
Birth of a brother | Theodor Johann “Theo” Waters November 25, 1893 (Age 11 years) Address: Mühlenweg 4 |
Birth of a sister | Klara Anna Waters November 8, 1895 (Age 13 years) Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Latitude: N51.2538055555556 Longitude: E6.34055555555556 |
Birth of a sister | Helene “Lenchen” Waters about 1898 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a brother | Gerhard Waters August 22, 1914 (Age 31 years) Cause: gefallen im Gefecht |
Death of a father | Hubertus Johannes Waters October 11, 1922 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a mother | Anna Christina van Treeck November 2, 1941 (Age 59 years) |
Occupation | Anstreicher, auch Seidenweber |
Death | July 9, 1953 (Age 70 years) |
Religion | katholisch |
Last change | October 11, 2017 – 14:17:18 by: Norbert |
Note | Erlenstraße in Rheydt hat immer nebenbei tapeziert, brachte es seinem Sohn Karl bei unsicher: 19.01.1916 Im 1. Weltkrieg schwer verwundet |
- Generation 1
Hermann Joseph Waters , anstreicher, auch Seidenweber, son ofHubertus Johannes Waters andAnna Christina van Treeck , was born on September 19, 1882 in Mühlenweg 4, Dülken, Nordrhein-Westfalen and died on July 9, 1953 in Rheydt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 70. He marriedMaria Gertrud “Traudchen” von Dahlen , daughter ofJohann von Dahlen andMaria Katharine Wilms .