Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich BraunsAge: 30 years1801–1832
- Name
- Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns
- Surname
- Brauns
- Given names
- Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns
- Name
- Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns
- Given names
- Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich
- Surname
- Brauns
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: October 26, 1773 36 28 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: February 10, 1853 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
mother |
Birth: August 29, 1775 — Kirchrode, Hannover Death: September 24, 1857 — Seelze |
elder sister |
Birth: July 19, 1799 25 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 16, 1882 — Kloster Mariensee |
21 months himself |
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns Birth: April 12, 1801 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: 1832 |
2 years younger brother |
Georg Ernst Christian Carl Brauns Birth: May 8, 1803 29 27 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: September 18, 1847 |
3 years younger sister |
Antonette Margarethe Brauns Birth: May 26, 1806 32 30 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: 1884 |
3 years younger brother |
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Brauns Birth: November 13, 1808 35 33 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
4 years younger brother |
Ernst Brauns Birth: January 10, 1813 39 37 — Veltheim Death: December 15, 1879 — Veltheim |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother |
Birth: August 29, 1775 — Kirchrode, Hannover Death: September 24, 1857 — Seelze |
himself |
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns Birth: April 12, 1801 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: 1832 |
Family with Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke |
himself |
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns Birth: April 12, 1801 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: 1832 |
wife |
Birth: January 4, 1810 34 26 — Ipswich, England Death: March 3, 1878 — Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover |
daughter |
Hermann Heinrich Friedrich Christian “Fritz” Sattler + Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke |
wife’s husband |
Birth: December 12, 1809 57 33 — Varrel, Kreis Sulingen Death: May 23, 1872 — Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover |
wife |
Birth: January 4, 1810 34 26 — Ipswich, England Death: March 3, 1878 — Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover |
step-daughter |
4 years step-daughter |
Birth: October 3, 1847 37 37 — Varrel, Kreis Sulingen Death: March 31, 1913 — Beuchte, Schladen, Niedersachsen |
1 year step-daughter |
Birth: September 24, 1848 38 38 — Varrel, Kreis Sulingen Death: December 4, 1904 — Lüneburg |
16 months step-son |
Birth: January 26, 1850 40 40 — Varrel, Kreis Sulingen Death: July 13, 1906 — Lankwitz, Berlin |
23 months step-daughter |
Birth | April 12, 1801 Source: |
Baptism | May 3, 1801 (Age 21 days) Address: Sankt Aegidien Religion: ev. luth. Source: |
Birth of a brother | Georg Ernst Christian Carl Brauns May 8, 1803 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Georg Ernst Christian Carl Brauns May 8, 1803 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a sister | Antonette Margarethe Brauns May 26, 1806 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a half-sister | Antonette Margarethe Brauns May 26, 1806 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Brauns November 13, 1808 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Brauns November 13, 1808 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Ernst Brauns January 10, 1813 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Ernst Brauns January 10, 1813 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Charlie Brauns August 29, 1830 (Age 29 years) |
Occupation | Pastor Address: St. Marien |
Death | 1832 (Age 30 years) Source: MyHeritage Publication: Citation details: Backhaus Web Site |
Last change | August 28, 2018 – 12:20:37 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns , pastor, son ofJulius August Ludwig Brauns andAnna Maria Elisabeth Soltmann , was born on April 12, 1801 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died in 1832 at the age of 30. He marriedCaroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke , daughter ofDr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke andRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns .Children of
Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns andCaroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke :Charlie Brauns (1830–1897)
- Generation 2back to top
Charlie Brauns , daughter ofChristoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns andCaroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke , was born on August 29, 1830 in Wathlingen and died on October 18, 1897 in Bassum at the age of 67.
Birth | |
Baptism | |
Death | MyHeritage Publication: Citation details: Backhaus Web Site |