Marie Dorothea EbelingAge: 69 years1751–1820
- Name
- Marie Dorothea Ebeling
- Surname
- Ebeling
- Given names
- Marie Dorothea
- Married name
- Marie Dorothea Rambke
Family with Gerhardt Albert Rambke |
husband |
Gerhardt Albert Rambke Birth: May 10, 1731 41 31 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: September 3, 1797 — Misburg, Hannover, Niedersachsen |
herself |
Marie Dorothea Ebeling Birth: 1751 — Rethen, Hannover, Niedersachsen Death: July 22, 1820 — Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover |
son |
Birth: April 22, 1775 43 24 — Laatzen Death: March 16, 1841 — Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover |
-2 years son |
Georg Ludowich Rambke Birth: March 1, 1773 41 22 Death: |
Birth | 1751 |
Birth of a son #1 | Georg Ludowich Rambke March 1, 1773 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Dr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke April 22, 1775 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a husband | Gerhardt Albert Rambke September 3, 1797 (Age 46 years) |
Birth of a grandson #1 | Dr. phil. August Friederich Christoph Rambke February 11, 1808 (Age 57 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #2 | Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke January 4, 1810 (Age 59 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #3 | Elise Marianne Charlotte Rambke October 23, 1815 (Age 64 years) |
Death | July 22, 1820 (Age 69 years) |
Last change | February 13, 2017 – 16:17:36 |
- Generation 1
Marie Dorothea Ebeling was born in 1751 in Rethen, Hannover, Niedersachsen and died on July 22, 1820 in Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover at the age of 69. She marriedGerhardt Albert Rambke , son ofJohann Heinrich Rambke andAdelheid Westermann .Children of
Marie Dorothea Ebeling andGerhardt Albert Rambke :Dr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke (1775–1841)Georg Ludowich Rambke (1773–)
- Generation 2back to top
Dr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke , feldprediger und Pastor, son ofGerhardt Albert Rambke andMarie Dorothea Ebeling , was born on April 22, 1775 in Laatzen and died on March 16, 1841 in Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover at the age of 65. He marriedRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns , daughter ofGottfried Christoph Brauns andCatharina Caroline Wagenfeldt .Children of
Dr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke andRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns :Dr. phil. August Friederich Christoph Rambke (1808–1887)Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke (1810–1878)Elise Marianne Charlotte Rambke (1815–)
Georg Ludowich Rambke , son ofGerhardt Albert Rambke andMarie Dorothea Ebeling , was born on March 1, 1773.
- Generation 3back to top
Dr. phil. August Friederich Christoph Rambke , pastor zu Imbshausen, son ofDr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke andRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns , was born on February 11, 1808 in Bexhill, East Sussex, England and died on February 28, 1887 in Imbshausen, Hannover, Niedersachsen at the age of 79. He marriedHenriette Christiane Elise Miede , daughter ofKarl Miede andDoris John .Children of
Dr. phil. August Friederich Christoph Rambke andHenriette Christiane Elise Miede :Caroline Wilhelmine Philipine Rambke (1851–1891)Franz Ferdinand Rambke (1846–1919)
Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke , daughter ofDr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke andRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns , was born on January 4, 1810 in Ipswich, England and died on March 3, 1878 in Groß-Munzel, Wunstorf, Provinz Hannover at the age of 68. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedChristoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns , son ofJulius August Ludwig Brauns andAnna Maria Elisabeth Soltmann . The second time she marriedHermann Heinrich Friedrich Christian “Fritz” Sattler , son ofGeorg Anton Friedrich Sattler andAnna Regine Amalie Hausmann .Children of
Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke andChristoph Wilhelm Heinrich Brauns :Charlie Brauns (1830–1897)
Children of
Caroline Dorothe Emilie Rambke andHermann Heinrich Friedrich Christian “Fritz” Sattler :Amalie Sattler (1844–)Emilie Mathilde Elise “Emmi” Sattler (1847–1913)Anna Sattler (1848–1904)Carl Heinrich Christian Dr. Sattler (1850–1906)Antonia Sattler (1851–1928)
Elise Marianne Charlotte Rambke , daughter ofDr. Heinrich Friedrich Rambke andRegine Johanna Charlotte Brauns , was born on October 23, 1815 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland. She marriedCarl Hornemann .Children of
Elise Marianne Charlotte Rambke andCarl Hornemann :Franz Ferdinand Ludwig Hornemann (1850–)Anna Josephine Augusta Hornemann (1852–)