Marie FinkAge: 90 years1893–1983
- Name
- Marie Fink
- Surname
- Fink
- Given names
- Marie
- Married name
- Marie Böhne
- Married name
- Marie Kluge
Family with parents |
father |
Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink Birth: November 9, 1856 37 28 — Wolfenbüttel Death: October 22, 1897 — Frauendorf, Stettin |
mother |
Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming Birth: March 4, 1862 (Fastnachtsdienstag) 47 46 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: June 25, 1944 — Blankenburg, Harz |
elder brother |
August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink Birth: December 14, 1890 34 28 — Wolfenbüttel Death: August 23, 1963 — Hannover |
2 years herself |
Mother’s family with Friedrich Paul Bredan |
step-father |
Friedrich Paul Bredan Birth: April 5, 1863 38 — Bad Godesberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland Death: March 1, 1947 — Blankenburg, Harz |
mother |
Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming Birth: March 4, 1862 (Fastnachtsdienstag) 47 46 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: June 25, 1944 — Blankenburg, Harz |
Family with Rudolf Böhne |
husband |
herself |
son |
Hans Böhne Birth: May 31, 1915 22 — Wolfenbüttel Death: |
5 years son |
Rudolf Böhne Birth: May 1, 1920 27 — Wolfenbüttel |
Birth | March 3, 1893 36 30 |
Death of a father | Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink October 22, 1897 (Age 4 years) Address: tot aufgefunden 19.03.1898 Gotzlow = Szczecin-Goclaw Cause: ertrunken in der Oder |
Birth of a son #1 | Hans Böhne May 31, 1915 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a husband | Rudolf Böhne August 8, 1919 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Rudolf Böhne May 1, 1920 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a mother | Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming June 25, 1944 – 03:15 (Age 51 years) Source: Familienbibel von Josef Bredan |
Death of a brother | August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink August 23, 1963 (Age 70 years) |
Death | June 22, 1983 (Age 90 years) |
Last change | August 19, 2024 – 12:54:23 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Marie Fink , daughter ofCarl Emil Albert August “II” Fink andAnna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming , was born on March 3, 1893 in Wolfenbüttel and died on June 22, 1983 in Wolfenbüttel at the age of 90. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedRudolf Böhne . The second time she marriedErnst Kluge , son ofGeorg Friedrich Christian Ernst Kluge .Children of
Marie Fink andRudolf Böhne :Hans Böhne (1915–)Rudolf Böhne (1920–)
- Generation 2back to top
Hans Böhne , son ofRudolf Böhne andMarie Fink , was born on May 31, 1915 in Wolfenbüttel.Rudolf Böhne , son ofRudolf Böhne andMarie Fink , was born on May 1, 1920 in Wolfenbüttel.