Schmechel Waters Flemming Gielessen Demoulin Schmidtmann von Dahlen Kern Fink Wulf Ebert Lohmeyer

Ella Fink, geb. Flemming

Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” FlemmingAge: 82 years18621944

Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming
Given names
Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele
Married name
Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele Fink
Married name
Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele Bredan
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
21 months
elder brother
Emanuel Flemming 1868Carl Georg Theodor Johannes Emanuel “Mali” Flemming
Birth: June 29, 1846 31 30Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Death: January 8, 1897Bonn
21 months
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
Leopold Flemming, Bruder von EduardSerapion Maria Leopold Emanuel Flemming
Birth: November 18, 1850 36 35Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Death: May 20, 1939Wiesbaden
22 months
elder brother
Rudolf Wolfgang Oswald Emanuel Flemming
Birth: September 20, 1852 38 36Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Death: September 4, 1855Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
19 months
elder brother
8 years
Family with Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink - View this family
August Fink IIIAugust Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink
Birth: December 14, 1890 34 28Wolfenbüttel
Death: August 23, 1963Hannover
2 years
Marie FinkMarie Fink
Birth: March 3, 1893 36 30Wolfenbüttel
Death: June 22, 1983Wolfenbüttel
Family with Friedrich Paul Bredan - View this family
Friedrich Paul BredanFriedrich Paul Bredan
Birth: April 5, 1863 38Bad Godesberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
Death: March 1, 1947Blankenburg, Harz

Birth March 4, 1862 (Fastnachtsdienstag) 47 46
Address: Blindenanstalt, Hildesheimer Straße
Baptism June 4, 1862 (Age 3 months)
Address: Gartenkirche
Religion: ev.-luth.
Birth of a son
August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink
December 14, 1890 (Age 28 years)
Death of a brotherUrban Julius Hugo Sixtus Emanuel Flemming
June 20, 189121:30 (Age 29 years)
Death of a fatherDr. Phil. Karl Friedrich Emanuel “Fritz” Flemming
November 21, 189121:30 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marie Fink
March 3, 1893 (Age 30 years)
Death of a motherMaria Anna “Marie” Bredan
March 24, 189520:15 (Age 33 years)
Death of a brotherCarl Georg Theodor Johannes Emanuel “Mali” Flemming
January 8, 1897 (Age 34 years)
Address: tot aufgefunden am 21. 1. 1897 um 16.30 h im Rhein bei (Köln-)Niehl; siehe unter: Personenstandsregister, Standesamt (Köln-)Nippes, Sterbefälle, 1897, 1897 Bd 01, Digital-Seite 38 (im Original: Eintrag Nr. 36)
Death of a husbandCarl Emil Albert August “II” Fink
October 22, 1897 (Age 35 years)
Address: tot aufgefunden 19.03.1898 Gotzlow = Szczecin-Goclaw
Cause: ertrunken in der Oder
Birth of a grandson
Hans Böhne
May 31, 1915 (Age 53 years)
Birth of a grandson
Rudolf Böhne
May 1, 1920 (Age 58 years)
Death of a brotherEduard Paul Emanuel “Edo” Flemming
June 28, 1927 (Age 65 years)
Death of a brotherPaul Hermann Wilhelm Ludwig Emanuel Flemming
March 1933 (Age 70 years)

Burial of a brotherPaul Hermann Wilhelm Ludwig Emanuel Flemming
March 29, 1933 (Age 71 years)
Address: Burgtorfriedhof, St. Lorenz, St. Jürgen, Waldhusen, dem Vorwerker Friedhof und dem Ehrenfriedhof
Citation details: Lübeck, Deutschland, Beerdigungsregister, 1832-1988
Death of a brotherSerapion Maria Leopold Emanuel Flemming
May 20, 1939 (Age 77 years)
Death June 25, 194403:15 (Age 82 years)
Last change January 14, 202112:14:33

by: Andreas Kern
  1. Generation 1
    1. Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming

      Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming, daughter of Dr. Phil. Karl Friedrich Emanuel “Fritz” Flemming and Maria Anna “Marie” Bredan, was born on March 4, 1862 (Fastnachtsdienstag) in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on June 25, 1944 in Blankenburg, Harz at the age of 82. She married 2 times. The first time she married Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink, son of Heinrich August I Eduard Fink and Emilie Hartmann. The second time she married Friedrich Paul Bredan (first cousin), son of Friedrich August Bredan and Bertha Clara Kleber.

      Children of Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming and Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink:

      1. August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink (18901963)
      2. Marie Fink (18931983)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink

      August Karl Emanuel Wilhelm “III” Fink, dr. phil., Kunsthistoriker, son of Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink and Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming, was born on December 14, 1890 in Wolfenbüttel and died on August 23, 1963 in Hannover at the age of 72. He married Marie-Luise Johanna Katharina “Mami” Mann, daughter of Eduard Moritz Mann and Cornelie Stursberg.

    2. Marie Fink

      Marie Fink, daughter of Carl Emil Albert August “II” Fink and Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming, was born on March 3, 1893 in Wolfenbüttel and died on June 22, 1983 in Wolfenbüttel at the age of 90. She married 2 times. The first time she married Rudolf Böhne. The second time she married Ernst Kluge, son of Georg Friedrich Christian Ernst Kluge.

      Children of Marie Fink and Rudolf Böhne:

      1. Hans Böhne (1915)
      2. Rudolf Böhne (1920)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Hans Böhne, son of Rudolf Böhne and Marie Fink, was born on May 31, 1915 in Wolfenbüttel.

    2. Rudolf Böhne, son of Rudolf Böhne and Marie Fink, was born on May 1, 1920 in Wolfenbüttel.

BirthFamilienbibel von Josef Bredan
DeathFamilienbibel von Josef Bredan

Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming has 15 first cousins recorded