Lilli Rosalie Amanda HornhardtAge: 76 years1826–1903
- Name
- Lilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt
- Given names
- Lilli Rosalie Amanda
- Surname
- Hornhardt
- Married name
- Lilli Rosalie Amanda Wachsmuth
- Lilli
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: May 13, 1793 26 26 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: June 30, 1874 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
mother |
Birth: July 1, 1800 — Detmold Death: December 12, 1873 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
elder brother |
Friedrich Gottlieb Hornhardt Birth: February 16, 1825 31 24 — Borkhausen Death: July 26, 1859 — Kawesky, Wisconsin |
22 months herself |
Birth: December 21, 1826 33 26 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: January 15, 1903 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe |
14 months younger brother |
Otto Theodor August Hornhardt Birth: February 29, 1828 34 27 Death: January 4, 1900 — Bremen, Deutschland |
2 years younger brother |
Birth: April 17, 1830 36 29 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: November 28, 1909 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
4 years younger brother |
Karl August Hermann Hornhardt Birth: April 30, 1834 40 33 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: October 1884 — Chicago, Cook County, Illinois |
4 years younger brother |
Ernst August Adolf Friedrich “Fritz” Hornhardt Birth: October 17, 1837 44 37 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: February 4, 1915 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
7 years younger sister |
Sophie Marie Julie Hornhardt Birth: August 7, 1844 51 44 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: December 28, 1870 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
sister |
Family with Heinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth |
husband |
Birth: February 8, 1816 27 32 — Schwalenberg, Kreis Lippe Death: August 31, 1896 — Schwalenberg, Kreis Lippe |
herself |
Birth: December 21, 1826 33 26 — Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: January 15, 1903 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe |
daughter |
Birth: November 3, 1847 31 20 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: December 19, 1919 — Detmold |
2 years daughter |
Luise Julie Dorette Wachsmuth Birth: January 11, 1850 33 23 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: January 13, 1851 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe |
2 years son |
Heinrich Gottlieb Friedrich Wachsmuth Birth: April 2, 1852 36 25 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: November 7, 1869 — Insel Hela, Pommern, Polen |
2 years son |
Birth: April 30, 1854 38 27 — Schwalenberg, Lippe, Deutschland Death: August 27, 1903 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe |
3 years daughter |
2 years son |
Birth: August 25, 1859 43 32 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: February 18, 1930 — Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
3 years daughter |
Birth: February 24, 1862 46 35 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: November 2, 1951 — Lemgo, Lippe |
3 years daughter |
Birth: January 11, 1865 48 38 — Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe Death: November 23, 1935 |
Note | Freismissen// Rittergut 1911: Rittergut Freismissen, Amt Schieder, ev. Kirchengemeinde Reelkirchen, Standesamt Herrentrup, Amtsgericht Blomberg, Postort Blomberg, Schulgemeinde Tintrup, 3 Wohnhäuser, 5 Haushaltungen, 22 Einwohner, davon 18 reformiert, 2 sonstige ev. Bekenntnisse und 2 römisch-katholisch. |
- Generation 1
Lilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , daughter ofFriedrich Adolph Hornhardt andJuliane Luise Riedemann , was born on December 21, 1826 in Freismissen, Blomberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen and died on January 15, 1903 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe at the age of 76. She marriedHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth , son ofJohann Heinrich Daniel Wachsmuth andDorothea Luise Overbeck .Children of
Lilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt andHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth :Marie Juliane Dorothea Friederike “Mariechen” Wachsmuth (1847–1919)Luise Julie Dorette Wachsmuth (1850–1851)Heinrich Gottlieb Friedrich Wachsmuth (1852–1869)Otto Gustav August Alexander Wachsmuth (1854–1903)Kathinka Charlotte Sophie Louise Wachsmuth (1857–1949)Karl August Alexander Wachsmuth (1859–1930)Lilli Mary Julie Wachsmuth (1862–1951)Sophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth (1865–1935)
- Generation 2back to top
Marie Juliane Dorothea Friederike “Mariechen” Wachsmuth , daughter ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on November 3, 1847 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on December 19, 1919 in Detmold at the age of 72. She marriedRudolf Abt , son ofFriedrich Abt andEmma Alberti .Luise Julie Dorette Wachsmuth , daughter ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on January 11, 1850 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on January 13, 1851 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe at the age of 12 months.Heinrich Gottlieb Friedrich Wachsmuth , son ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on April 2, 1852 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on November 7, 1869 in Insel Hela, Pommern, Polen at the age of 17.Otto Gustav August Alexander Wachsmuth , apotheker, son ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on April 30, 1854 in Schwalenberg, Lippe, Deutschland and died on August 27, 1903 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe at the age of 49. He marriedEugenie Anna Friederike Marie Schmalz .Children of
Otto Gustav August Alexander Wachsmuth andEugenie Anna Friederike Marie Schmalz :Hans Wachsmuth (1894–1915)Paul Carl Otto Wachsmuth (1896–)
Kathinka Charlotte Sophie Louise Wachsmuth , daughter ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on May 9, 1857 and died on February 21, 1949 at the age of 91. She marriedAndreas Albert Wilhelm Clemen , son ofHermann Friedrich Ferdinand Clemen andSophie Henriette Hermine Kracht .Children of
Kathinka Charlotte Sophie Louise Wachsmuth andAndreas Albert Wilhelm Clemen :Paul Clemen (1877–)
Karl August Alexander Wachsmuth , apotheker, son ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on August 25, 1859 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on February 18, 1930 in Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 70. He marriedSophie Juliane Emilie “Milly” Melm , daughter ofChristian Friedrich Melm andLouise Johanne Sophie Lindemann .Children of
Karl August Alexander Wachsmuth andSophie Juliane Emilie “Milly” Melm :Luise Kathinka Margarete “Grete” Wachsmuth (1895–1977)Karl Otto Wilhelm “Karli” Dr. phil. Wachsmuth-Melm (1896–1970)Günther Karl August Wachsmuth (1899–)
Lilli Mary Julie Wachsmuth , klavierlehrerin, daughter ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on February 24, 1862 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on November 2, 1951 in Lemgo, Lippe at the age of 89.Sophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth , daughter ofHeinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth andLilli Rosalie Amanda Hornhardt , was born on January 11, 1865 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on November 23, 1935 at the age of 70. She marriedSanitätsrat Dr. Karl Friedrich Schmidtmann , son ofKarl Konstantin Schmidtmann andLouise Hess .Children of
Sophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth andSanitätsrat Dr. Karl Friedrich Schmidtmann :Erich Schmidtmann (1885–1935)Otto Schmidtmann (1888–)Lilli Helene Schmidtmann (1890–1962)
- Generation 3back to top
Hans Wachsmuth , son ofOtto Gustav August Alexander Wachsmuth andEugenie Anna Friederike Marie Schmalz , was born on May 10, 1894 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on May 15, 1915 in Galizien at the age of 21.Paul Carl Otto Wachsmuth , kaufmann in Hannover, son ofOtto Gustav August Alexander Wachsmuth andEugenie Anna Friederike Marie Schmalz , was born on December 13, 1896 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe. He marriedIrmgard Karoline Maria Hermine Steinhoff .Paul Clemen , son ofAndreas Albert Wilhelm Clemen andKathinka Charlotte Sophie Louise Wachsmuth , was born on July 26, 1877. He marriedGertrud Jacob-Heyer .Children of
Paul Clemen andGertrud Jacob-Heyer :Gustav Clemen (1917–1945)Heinz Clemen (1919–1944)Eberhard Clemen (1923–1944)
Luise Kathinka Margarete “Grete” Wachsmuth , daughter ofKarl August Alexander Wachsmuth andSophie Juliane Emilie “Milly” Melm , was born on February 9, 1895 in Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland and died on April 28, 1977 in Brake, Lemgo at the age of 82. She marriedKasimir Ewerbeck , son ofBernhard Ferdinand Ewerbecke andKarolina “Lina” Schaaf .Karl Otto Wilhelm “Karli” Dr. phil. Wachsmuth-Melm , dr. Phil. Apotheker in Oerlinghausen, son ofKarl August Alexander Wachsmuth andSophie Juliane Emilie “Milly” Melm , was born on May 29, 1896 in Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland and died on July 12, 1970 in Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 74. He marriedRose-Marie Fischer , daughter ofLudwig Fischer andMarie Schultz .Günther Karl August Wachsmuth , kaufmann an der Saale, son ofKarl August Alexander Wachsmuth andSophie Juliane Emilie “Milly” Melm , was born on August 13, 1899 in Oerlinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland. He marriedKäthe Schmidt , daughter ofOskar Schmidt andAuguste Dunkel .Erich Schmidtmann , plantagenleiter (in 1921) and plantagenleiter auf Java, son ofSanitätsrat Dr. Karl Friedrich Schmidtmann andSophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth , was born on November 5, 1885 in Behrungen, , Thüringen and died on October 10, 1935 in Detmold, Krankenhaus at the age of 49. He marriedAnna Clementine Maria “Mitze” Meyer .Otto Schmidtmann , landwirt, Gutsinspektor, son ofSanitätsrat Dr. Karl Friedrich Schmidtmann andSophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth , was born on March 8, 1888 in Untermaßfeld, Meiningen, Thüringen. He marriedLilly Overbeck (brother-in-law’s aunt’s niece), adopted daughter ofLudolf Georg Robert Overbeck andMarie Wilhelmine Lohmeyer .Children of
Otto Schmidtmann andLilly Overbeck :Marlene Schmidtmann (1915–)Kurt Schmidtmann (1920–1941)
Lilli Helene Schmidtmann , daughter ofSanitätsrat Dr. Karl Friedrich Schmidtmann andSophie Helene “Ene” Wachsmuth , was born on March 29, 1890 in Untermaßfeld, Meiningen, Thüringen and died on April 28, 1962 in Neustadt, Hessen at the age of 72. She marriedEmil Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand “Fritz” Flemming (sister-in-law’s uncle’s nephew), son ofEduard Paul Emanuel “Edo” Flemming andEmilie Mathilde Elise “Emmi” Sattler .