Hedwig Therese Marie KöhlerAge: 91 years1897–1989
- Name
- Hedwig Therese Marie Köhler
- Given names
- Hedwig Therese Marie
- Surname
- Köhler
- Married name
- Hedwig Therese Marie Flemming
- Hede
Family with parents |
father |
Ernst Köhler Birth: 1862 Death: 1922 — Meiningen, Thüringen, Deutschland |
mother |
Olga Harrer Birth: 1868 Death: 1939 |
herself |
Birth: October 8, 1897 35 29 — Saalfeld / Thüringen Death: March 29, 1989 — Hameln |
Birth | October 8, 1897 35 29 |
Death of a father | Ernst Köhler 1922 (Age 24 years) Cause: Unfall mit Straßenbahn |
Death of a mother | Olga Harrer 1939 (Age 41 years) |
Death | March 29, 1989 (Age 91 years) |
Last change | November 14, 2017 – 14:07:02 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Hedwig Therese Marie Köhler , daughter ofErnst Köhler andOlga Harrer , was born on October 8, 1897 in Saalfeld / Thüringen and died on March 29, 1989 in Hameln at the age of 91. She marriedEwald Bernhard Otto Gustav Flemming , son ofEduard Paul Emanuel “Edo” Flemming andEmilie Mathilde Elise “Emmi” Sattler .