Marie MaswirAge: 56 years1646–1702
- Name
- Marie Maswir
- Surname
- Maswir
- Given names
- Marie
- Married name
- Marie Garsou
Family with Arnold Garsou |
husband |
Arnold Garsou Death: |
herself |
Marie Maswir Birth: 1646 Death: 1702 |
son |
Jean Garsou Death: |
- Generation 1
Marie Maswir was born in 1646 and died in 1702 at the age of 56. She marriedArnold Garsou .Children of
Marie Maswir andArnold Garsou :
- Generation 2back to top
Jean Garsou , son ofArnold Garsou andMarie Maswir . He marriedGertrude Gillis .Children of
Jean Garsou andGertrude Gillis :Jeanne Garsou (1706–1794)
- Generation 3back to top
Jeanne Garsou , daughter ofJean Garsou andGertrude Gillis , was born in 1706 and died in 1794 at the age of 88. She marriedPirotte Nagant , son ofMichel Pirot Nagant andMarguerite Doutremont .Children of
Jeanne Garsou andPirotte Nagant :Marguerite Nagant (1743–)