Elisabeth MüllerAge: 75 years1817–1893
- Name
- Elisabeth Müller
- Surname
- Müller
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Married name
- Elisabeth Knaak
- Married name
- Elisabeth Klawitter
Family with parents |
father |
Daniel Müller Death: |
mother |
Dorothea Siede Death: |
herself |
Elisabeth Müller Birth: May 24, 1817 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: January 15, 1893 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern |
Family with Karl Ludwig Knaak |
husband |
Karl Ludwig Knaak Birth: March 22, 1810 32 28 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: April 22, 1899 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern |
herself |
Elisabeth Müller Birth: May 24, 1817 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: January 15, 1893 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern |
daughter |
Karoline Knaak Birth: May 3, 1839 29 21 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: July 31, 1924 — Grünlinde, Westpreußen |
21 months daughter |
Luise Knaak Birth: January 25, 1841 30 23 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: February 4, 1917 — Bülowsheide, Schwetz, Westpreußen |
Family with ... Klawitter |
husband |
... Klawitter Death: |
herself |
Elisabeth Müller Birth: May 24, 1817 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: January 15, 1893 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern |
Birth | May 24, 1817 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Karoline Knaak May 3, 1839 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Luise Knaak January 25, 1841 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a grandson #1 | Eduard Julius Pahl June 22, 1860 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a grandson #2 | Karl Julius Schmechel November 16, 1862 (Age 45 years) Source: MyHeritage Publication: http://www.myheritage.de Text: Nedzollek Stammbaum |
Baptism of a grandson | Karl Julius Schmechel November 16, 1862 (Age 45 years) Religion: evangelisch |
Birth of a grandson #3 | August Wilhelm Schmechel September 18, 1864 (Age 47 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #4 | Mathilde Wilhelmine Schmechel December 6, 1870 (Age 53 years) |
Birth of a grandson #5 | Albert Schmechel April 1, 1872 (Age 54 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #6 | Augusta Elisabeth Schmechel December 15, 1874 (Age 57 years) |
Birth of a grandson #7 | Johann Schmechel April 21, 1877 (Age 59 years) |
Death | January 15, 1893 (Age 75 years) |
- Generation 1
Elisabeth Müller , daughter ofDaniel Müller andDorothea Siede , was born on May 24, 1817 in Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern and died on January 15, 1893 in Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern at the age of 75. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedKarl Ludwig Knaak , son ofPeter Knaak andAnna Christina Maeck . The second time she married... Klawitter .Children of
Elisabeth Müller andKarl Ludwig Knaak :Karoline Knaak (1839–1924)Luise Knaak (1841–1917)
- Generation 2back to top
Karoline Knaak , daughter ofKarl Ludwig Knaak andElisabeth Müller , was born on May 3, 1839 in Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern and died on July 31, 1924 in Grünlinde, Westpreußen at the age of 85. She marriedJohann Pahl .Children of
Karoline Knaak andJohann Pahl :Eduard Julius Pahl (1860–)
Luise Knaak , daughter ofKarl Ludwig Knaak andElisabeth Müller , was born on January 25, 1841 in Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern and died on February 4, 1917 in Bülowsheide, Schwetz, Westpreußen at the age of 76. She marriedGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel , son ofJohannes Anatol Schmechel andChristine Venske .Children of
Luise Knaak andGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel :Karl Julius Schmechel (1862–)August Wilhelm Schmechel (1864–1942)Mathilde Wilhelmine Schmechel (1870–1888)Albert Schmechel (1872–)Augusta Elisabeth Schmechel (1874–1958)Johann Schmechel (1877–1945)
- Generation 3back to top
Eduard Julius Pahl , son ofJohann Pahl andKaroline Knaak , was born on June 22, 1860 in Grünlinde, Zbose, Kujawien-Pommern.Karl Julius Schmechel , son ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on November 16, 1862 in Battrow, Westpreußen. He marriedMathilde Henriette Marquardt , daughter ofJohann Marquardt andWilhelmine Fosberg .August Wilhelm Schmechel , bauer, son ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on September 18, 1864 in Illowo, Kreis Flatow, Polen and died on August 16, 1942 at the age of 77. He marriedHulda Seehawer , daughter ofMartin Seehawer andCaroline Frase .Children of
August Wilhelm Schmechel andHulda Seehawer :Otto Schmechel (1894–1945)Ewald Schmechel (1897–1944)Artur Schmechel (1899–)Gustav Schmechel Paul Schmechel (–1956)
Mathilde Wilhelmine Schmechel , daughter ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on December 6, 1870 in Illowo, Kreis Flatow, Polen and died on February 7, 1888 in Illowo, Zempelburg, Westpreußen at the age of 17. She marriedGustav Adolf Maeck (brother-in-law), son ofGottlieb Maeck andAnna Elisabeth Wiedehöft .Children of
Mathilde Wilhelmine Schmechel andGustav Adolf Maeck :Anna Maeck (1904–1988)
Albert Schmechel , son ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on April 1, 1872 in Illowo, Kreis Flatow, Polen. He marriedIda Laura Schmidt , daughter ofFriedrich Schmidt andElisabeth Krügel … .Augusta Elisabeth Schmechel , daughter ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on December 15, 1874 in Ilowo-Osada, Powiat Działdowski, Woiwodschaft Ermland-Masuren and died on January 6, 1958 in Heinsberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 83. She marriedAlbert Maeck (brother-in-law), son ofGottlieb Maeck andAnna Elisabeth Wiedehöft .Children of
Augusta Elisabeth Schmechel andAlbert Maeck :Alwine Maeck (1894–)Erich Maeck (1896–)Konrad Maeck (1901–1996)Ewald Maeck (1904–)Hedwig Maeck (1909–)Walter Maeck (1912–)
Johann Schmechel , mittelschullehrer (on May 10, 1901) and mittelschulkonrektor (to May 1, 1939), son ofGottlieb Wilhelm Schmechel andLuise Knaak , was born on April 21, 1877 in Illowo, Kreis Flatow, Polen and died on November 6, 1945 in Waren/Müritz at the age of 68. He marriedAdelheid Else Auguste Albrecht , daughter ofFriedrich Wilhelm Albrecht andMathilde Wilhelmine Bublitz .Children of
Johann Schmechel andAdelheid Else Auguste Albrecht :Charlotte Adelheid “Lotte” Schmechel (1903–1968)Else Schmechel (1904–1960)Wilhelm Gottlieb “Willy” Schmechel (1907–1964)Horst Walter Schmechel (1917–2003)
Source | auch Schmitz Familienstammbaum bei ancestry,de |