Maria Katharina MüllerAge: 71 years1733–1805
- Name
- Maria Katharina Müller
- Surname
- Müller
- Given names
- Maria Katharina
- Married name
- Maria Katharina Flemming
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Christian Müller Birth: March 25, 1706 38 28 — Jüterbog Death: September 1, 1740 — Jüterbog |
mother |
Maria Heinrich Birth: Jüterbog Death: December 7, 1781 — Jüterbog |
herself |
Maria Katharina Müller Birth: November 27, 1733 27 — Jüterbog Death: May 19, 1805 — Jüterbog |
Family with Immanuel Gottlob Flemming |
husband |
Immanuel Gottlob Flemming Birth: February 9, 1729 34 — Jüterbog Death: November 12, 1805 — Jüterbog |
herself |
Maria Katharina Müller Birth: November 27, 1733 27 — Jüterbog Death: May 19, 1805 — Jüterbog |
son |
Birth | November 27, 1733 27 |
Death of a father | Johann Christian Müller September 1, 1740 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Immanuel Gottlieb Flemming April 3, 1772 (Age 38 years) Note: Im Taufeintrag (ausweislich der dort angegebenen Quelle) ist als Geburtsdatum, abweichend von der Familienüberlieferung, der 4. April 1772 angegeben.
Baptism of a son | Immanuel Gottlieb Flemming April 6, 1772 (Age 38 years) Religion: evangelisch |
Death of a mother | Maria Heinrich December 7, 1781 (Age 48 years) |
Death | May 19, 1805 (Age 71 years) |
Last change | October 11, 2017 – 15:02:21 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Maria Katharina Müller , daughter ofJohann Christian Müller andMaria Heinrich , was born on November 27, 1733 in Jüterbog and died on May 19, 1805 in Jüterbog at the age of 71. She marriedImmanuel Gottlob Flemming , son ofJohann Christian Flemming andAnna Margaretha Magnus .Children of
Maria Katharina Müller andImmanuel Gottlob Flemming :Immanuel Gottlieb Flemming (1772–1818)
- Generation 2back to top
Immanuel Gottlieb Flemming , gründer + 1. Leiter der Blindenanstalt in Dresden, son ofImmanuel Gottlob Flemming andMaria Katharina Müller , was born on April 3, 1772 in Jüterbog and died on February 13, 1818 in Dresden at the age of 45. He marriedErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , daughter ofMartin Friedrich Winckler andSophie Charlotte Hecker .Children of
Immanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler :Charlotte Augustine Wilhelmine “Minna” Flemming (1808–1826)Bertha Louise Friedrika Flemming (1811–1834)Louise Henriette Karoline Flemming (1812–1877)Dr. Phil. Karl Friedrich Emanuel “Fritz” Flemming (1814–1891)Carl Emil Flemming (1815–1816)Eduard Flemming (1817–1817)
- Generation 3back to top
Charlotte Augustine Wilhelmine “Minna” Flemming , daughter ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born on July 15, 1808 and died in June 1826 in Dresden at the age of 17.Bertha Louise Friedrika Flemming , daughter ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born on April 30, 1811 in Dresden and died on January 12, 1834 in Dresden at the age of 22. She marriedDr. phil. Johann Karl August Georgi (brother-in-law), son ofChristoph Andreas Georgi andChristiane Eleonora … .Louise Henriette Karoline Flemming , daughter ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born on December 2, 1812 in Dresden and died on July 22, 1877 at the age of 64. She marriedDr. phil. Johann Karl August Georgi (brother-in-law), son ofChristoph Andreas Georgi andChristiane Eleonora … .Dr. Phil. Karl Friedrich Emanuel “Fritz” Flemming , direktor der Blindenanstalt zu Hannover (Dr. Phil.), son ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born on August 8, 1814 in Dresden and died on November 21, 1891 in Braunschweig at the age of 77. He marriedMaria Anna “Marie” Bredan , daughter ofJosef Nikolaus August Ludwig Johann Bredan andMaria Theresia Schmidt .Children of
Dr. Phil. Karl Friedrich Emanuel “Fritz” Flemming andMaria Anna “Marie” Bredan :Eduard Paul Emanuel “Edo” Flemming (1844–1927)Carl Georg Theodor Johannes Emanuel “Mali” Flemming (1846–1897)Paul Hermann Wilhelm Ludwig Emanuel Flemming (1848–1933)Serapion Maria Leopold Emanuel Flemming (1850–1939)Rudolf Wolfgang Oswald Emanuel Flemming (1852–1855)Urban Julius Hugo Sixtus Emanuel Flemming (1854–1891)Anna Maria Louise Georgine Adelheid Adolfine Elisabeth Caroline Emanuele “Ella” Flemming (1862–1944)
Carl Emil Flemming , son ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born in 1815 in Dresden and died in 1816 in Dresden at the age of 12 months.Eduard Flemming , son ofImmanuel Gottlieb Flemming andErnestina Wilhelmina Winckler , was born in 1817 in Dresden and died in 1817 in Dresden at the age of 0 days.