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Pierre NagantAge: 45 years16201665

Pierre Nagant
Given names
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Oudelette Moyse - View this family
Michel Pirot Nagant
Birth: April 1662 42 32Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie
Death: August 28, 1742Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie
4 years
Marie Nagant
Birth: 1665 45 34
3 years
Anne Nagant
Birth: 1667 47 36
4 years
Marguerite Nagant
Birth: October 25, 1670 50 40Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie

Birth 1620 50

Death of a fatherWilliam Nagant
1650 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a son
Michel Pirot Nagant
April 1662 (Age 42 years)
Baptism of a sonMichel Pirot Nagant
April 25, 1662 (Age 42 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marie Nagant
1665 (on the date of death)

Death of a wifeOudelette Moyse
1665 (on the date of death)
Death 1665 (Age 45 years)

Birth of a daughter
Anne Nagant
1667 (2 years after death)

Birth of a daughter
Marguerite Nagant
October 25, 1670 (5 years after death)
Last change December 20, 201723:16:17

by: Norbert
  1. Generation 1
    1. Pierre Nagant, son of William Nagant and Jehanne Watelet, was born in 1620 and died in 1665 at the age of 45. He married Oudelette Moyse.

      Children of Pierre Nagant and Oudelette Moyse:

      1. Michel Pirot Nagant (16621742)
      2. Marie Nagant (1665)
      3. Anne Nagant (1667)
      4. Marguerite Nagant (1670)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Michel Pirot Nagant, son of Pierre Nagant and Oudelette Moyse, was born in April 1662 in Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie and died on August 28, 1742 in Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie at the age of 80. He married Marguerite Doutremont, daughter of Jean Doutremont and Jeanne Andry.

      Children of Michel Pirot Nagant and Marguerite Doutremont:

      1. Pirotte Nagant (17011765)
    2. Marie Nagant, daughter of Pierre Nagant and Oudelette Moyse, was born in 1665.

    3. Anne Nagant, daughter of Pierre Nagant and Oudelette Moyse, was born in 1667.

    4. Marguerite Nagant, daughter of Pierre Nagant and Oudelette Moyse, was born on October 25, 1670 in Mélen, Lüttich, Wallonie. She married Henri Fagard.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Pirotte Nagant, son of Michel Pirot Nagant and Marguerite Doutremont, was born in 1701 and died on December 30, 1765 in Hermalle-sous-Argenteau, Lüttich, Wallonie at the age of 64. He married Jeanne Garsou, daughter of Jean Garsou and Gertrude Gillis.

      Children of Pirotte Nagant and Jeanne Garsou:

      1. Marguerite Nagant (1743)

Pierre Nagant has 0 first cousins recorded

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