Johann-Engelbert SchnittgerAge: 48 years1724–1772
- Name
- Johann-Engelbert Schnittger
- Surname
- Schnittger
- Given names
- Johann-Engelbert
Family with Justina Henriette Stohlmann |
himself |
Johann-Engelbert Schnittger Birth: 1724 Death: 1772 |
wife | |
daughter |
Sophie Henriette Schnittger Birth: October 31, 1762 38 — Lemgo Death: August 24, 1805 — Lemgo |
Birth | 1724 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Sophie Henriette Schnittger October 31, 1762 (Age 38 years) |
Death | 1772 (Age 48 years) |
- Generation 1
Johann-Engelbert Schnittger was born in 1724 and died in 1772 at the age of 48. He marriedJustina Henriette Stohlmann .Children of
Johann-Engelbert Schnittger andJustina Henriette Stohlmann :Sophie Henriette Schnittger (1762–1805)
- Generation 2back to top
Sophie Henriette Schnittger , daughter ofJohann-Engelbert Schnittger andJustina Henriette Stohlmann , was born on October 31, 1762 in Lemgo and died on August 24, 1805 in Lemgo at the age of 42. She marriedJohann Heinrich Konrad Wachsmuth , son ofJohann Daniel Wachsmuth andSophia Eleonora Hoppe .Children of
Sophie Henriette Schnittger andJohann Heinrich Konrad Wachsmuth :Johann Heinrich Daniel Wachsmuth (1788–1845)
- Generation 3back to top
Johann Heinrich Daniel Wachsmuth , apotheker in Schwalenberg, son ofJohann Heinrich Konrad Wachsmuth andSophie Henriette Schnittger , was born on February 10, 1788 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe and died on March 9, 1845 in Schwalenberg Kreis Lippe at the age of 57. He marriedDorothea Luise Overbeck , daughter ofBernhard Ludewig Overbeck andLouise Antonette Kapaun .Children of
Johann Heinrich Daniel Wachsmuth andDorothea Luise Overbeck :Heinrich Leonardt Anton Wachsmuth (1816–1896)Otto Eduard Friedrich Wachsmuth (1821–1892)