Karlfried WulfAge: 22 years1920–1942
- Name
- Karlfried Wulf
- Given names
- Karlfried
- Surname
- Wulf
Family with parents |
father |
Carl Wulf Birth: 1884 32 22 Death: 1951 |
mother |
Frieda Coring Birth: Death: |
himself |
Karlfried Wulf Birth: 1920 36 Death: 1942 |
Birth | 1920 36 |
Death | 1942 (Age 22 years) Cause of death: gefallen im Zweiten Weltkrieg |
Last change | December 22, 2020 – 11:52:54 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Karlfried Wulf , son ofCarl Wulf andFrieda Coring , was born in 1920 and died in 1942 at the age of 22.