Hanna WulfAge: 10 years1899–1909
- Name
- Hanna Wulf
- Given names
- Hanna
- Surname
- Wulf
Family with parents |
father |
Gotthilf Wulf Birth: 1869 28 28 Death: 1932 |
mother |
Marie Brandt Birth: 1873 Death: 1946 |
herself |
Hanna Wulf Birth: estimated 1899 30 26 Death: 1909 |
3 years younger brother |
Werner Wulf Birth: 1901 32 28 Death: 1982 |
4 years younger brother |
Karl Wulf Birth: 1904 35 31 Death: |
7 years younger brother |
Johannes “Hans” Wulf Birth: 1910 41 37 Death: 1979 |
5 years younger sister |
Dorothea “Dörthe” Wulf Birth: 1914 45 41 |
Birth | estimated 1899 30 26 |
Birth of a brother | Werner Wulf 1901 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Karl Wulf 1904 (Age 5 years) |
Death | 1909 (Age 10 years) |
Last change | December 18, 2020 – 15:07:03 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Hanna Wulf , daughter ofGotthilf Wulf andMarie Brandt , was born estimated 1899 and died in 1909.