Joachim Heinrich August BruschAge: 58 years1790–1848
- Name
- Joachim Heinrich August Brusch
- Given names
- Joachim Heinrich August
- Surname
- Brusch
Joachim Heinrich August Brusch + … … |
himself |
Joachim Heinrich August Brusch Birth: February 22, 1790 — Deven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland Death: June 17, 1848 — Deven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland |
daughter |
Sophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch Birth: August 5, 1820 30 — Viecheln, Mecklenburg Death: August 11, 1871 — Palmzin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland |
Birth | February 22, 1790 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Sophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch August 5, 1820 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a grandson #1 | Theodor Erdmann Hellmuth Wulf October 14, 1840 (Age 50 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #2 | Friederike Auguste Charlotte Wulf January 25, 1843 (Age 52 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #3 | Wilhelmine Lisette Johanna Wulf April 5, 1845 (Age 55 years) |
Birth of a grandson #4 | Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf February 8, 1848 (Age 57 years) |
Occupation | Tagelöhner |
Occupation | "Holländer" (= Milchbauer) |
Death | June 17, 1848 (Age 58 years) |
Last change | December 23, 2020 – 10:27:35 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Joachim Heinrich August Brusch , tagelöhner and "Holländer" (= Milchbauer), was born on February 22, 1790 in Deven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland and died on June 17, 1848 in Deven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland at the age of 58.Children of
Joachim Heinrich August Brusch :Sophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch (1820–1871)
- Generation 2back to top
Sophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , daughter ofJoachim Heinrich August Brusch , was born on August 5, 1820 in Viecheln, Mecklenburg and died on August 11, 1871 in Palmzin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland at the age of 51. She marriedCarl Daniel Wulf , son ofNiclas Heinrich “Clas” Wulff andCatharina Margaretha Schulte .Children of
Sophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch andCarl Daniel Wulf :Theodor Erdmann Hellmuth Wulf (1840–1919)Friederike Auguste Charlotte Wulf (1843–1852)Wilhelmine Lisette Johanna Wulf (1845–)Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf (1848–1919)Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wulf (1851–1934)Albert Johann Heinrich Wulf (1853–)Bertha Caroline Luise Wulf (1857–)August Theodor Martin Wulf (1859–)
- Generation 3back to top
Theodor Erdmann Hellmuth Wulf , lehrer und Hausvater, son ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on October 14, 1840 in Plennin, Vorpommern and died on December 12, 1919 in Lauenburg, Pommern at the age of 79. He marriedAnna Maria Louisa Westphal (sister-in-law), daughter ofJohann Joachim Adam Westphal andChristiana Friderica Dorothea Schröder .Children of
Theodor Erdmann Hellmuth Wulf andAnna Maria Louisa Westphal :Gotthilf Wulf (1869–1932)Johannes “Hans” Wulf (1871–1955)Martha Wulf (1872–1875)Martin Paul Theodor Wulf (1876–1931)Gertrud Anna Maria Wulf (1880–1944)
Friederike Auguste Charlotte Wulf , daughter ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on January 25, 1843 and died on July 21, 1852 at the age of 9.Wilhelmine Lisette Johanna Wulf , daughter ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on April 5, 1845.Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf , lehrer, son ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on February 8, 1848 and died in June 1919 at the age of 71. He marriedMaria Westphal (sister-in-law), daughter ofJohann Joachim Adam Westphal andChristiana Friderica Dorothea Schröder .Children of
Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf andMaria Westphal :Gottfried Wulf (1870–1944)Erich Wulf (1872–1944)Walter Wulf (1880–1905)Margarete Wulf (1881–1960)
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wulf , bahnhofsvorsteher, son ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on March 5, 1851 and died in 1934 at the age of 82. He marriedJohanne Wülfing .Children of
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wulf andJohanne Wülfing :Carl Wulf (1884–1951)Margarete Wulf (1886–1976)Paul Wulf (1891–1975)Eduard Wulf (1893–1917)Theodor Wulf (1894–1986)Johanna Wulf (1896–1987)Martha Wulf (1899–1952)
Albert Johann Heinrich Wulf , son ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on August 30, 1853.Bertha Caroline Luise Wulf , daughter ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on January 19, 1857.August Theodor Martin Wulf , bäcker, son ofCarl Daniel Wulf andSophie Marie Friederike Christine Brusch , was born on April 24, 1859.