Schmechel Waters Flemming Gielessen Demoulin Schmidtmann von Dahlen Kern Fink Wulf Ebert Lohmeyer

Martha WulfAge: 3 years18721875

Martha Wulf
Given names
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
2 years
Martha Wulf
Birth: 1872 31 31
Death: 1875
4 years
younger brother
Martin WulfMartin Paul Theodor Wulf
Birth: February 10, 1876 35 36Zachan, Kreis Saatzig, Pommern
Death: June 16, 1931Besswitz, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern
5 years
younger sister
Gertrud Bergmann geb Wulf 1929Gertrud Anna Maria Wulf
Birth: October 17, 1880 40 40Zachan, Kreis Saatzig, Pommern
Death: December 14, 1944Lauenburg, Pommern

Birth 1872 31 31

Death 1875 (Age 3 years)

Last change December 22, 202013:46:40

by: Andreas Kern
  1. Generation 1
    1. Martha Wulf, daughter of Theodor Erdmann Hellmuth Wulf and Anna Maria Louisa Westphal, was born in 1872 and died in 1875 at the age of 3.

Martha Wulf has 15 first cousins recorded

Father's family (11)

Parents Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf + Maria Westphal
1Gottfried Wulf18701944
2Erich Wulf18721944
3Walter Wulf18801905
4Margarete Wulf18811960
Parents Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wulf + Johanne Wülfing
1Carl Wulf18841951
2Margarete Wulf18861976
3Paul Wulf18911975
4Eduard Wulf18931917
5Theodor Wulf18941986
6Johanna Wulf18961987
7Martha Wulf18991952

Mother's family (4)

Parents Friedrich Hermann Heinrich Wulf + Maria Westphal
1Gottfried Wulf18701944
2Erich Wulf18721944
3Walter Wulf18801905
4Margarete Wulf18811960