Carl Christian Ludwig ButzkeAge: 71 years1788–1860
- Name
- Carl Christian Ludwig Butzke
- Given names
- Carl Christian Ludwig
- Surname
- Butzke
Family with parents |
father |
Christian Friedrich Butzke Birth: Death: |
mother |
Dorothea Louise Rühl Birth: Death: |
himself |
Birth: December 21, 1788 — Mohrin, Pommern Death: December 19, 1860 — Panzerin, Kreis Belgard, Pommern |
Family with Johanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner |
himself |
Birth: December 21, 1788 — Mohrin, Pommern Death: December 19, 1860 — Panzerin, Kreis Belgard, Pommern |
wife |
Johanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner Birth: August 29, 1787 — Potsdam, Brandenburg Death: December 13, 1840 — Panzerin, Kreis Belgard, Pommern |
daughter |
Birth: January 2, 1829 40 41 — Hoffelde, Kreis Naugard, Pommern Death: July 9, 1913 — Kolberg, Pommern |
Family with Johanna Christine Friederike Drews |
himself |
Birth: December 21, 1788 — Mohrin, Pommern Death: December 19, 1860 — Panzerin, Kreis Belgard, Pommern |
wife |
Johanna Christine Friederike Drews Birth: Death: |
daughter |
Birth: May 30, 1818 29 — Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland Death: May 23, 1884 — Stuttgart |
Birth | December 21, 1788 |
Baptism | December 28, 1788 (Age 7 days) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Luise Henriette Butzke May 30, 1818 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Albertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke January 2, 1829 (Age 40 years) Citation details: 7/1829 |
Occupation | Feldwebel |
Occupation | Erbpächter |
Occupation | Ökonomie-Inspektor |
Baptism of a daughter | Albertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke February 13, 1829 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a wife | Johanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner December 13, 1840 (Age 51 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #1 | Anna Ebert 1850 (Age 61 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #2 | Elise Helene Hackert February 6, 1851 (Age 62 years) Source: Evangelisches Pfarramt Körlin Citation details: Registernr. 26/1851 |
Baptism of a granddaughter | Elise Helene Hackert March 9, 1851 (Age 62 years) |
Birth of a grandson #3 | Johannes Karl Ebert February 29, 1852 (Age 63 years) |
Birth of a grandson #4 | Eugen Ebert estimated 1853 (Age 64 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #5 | Minna Ebert March 8, 1854 (Age 65 years) |
Death | December 19, 1860 (Age 71 years) |
Last change | January 12, 2021 – 11:35:15 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Carl Christian Ludwig Butzke , feldwebel, erbpächter and Ökonomie-Inspektor, son ofChristian Friedrich Butzke andDorothea Louise Rühl , was born on December 21, 1788 in Mohrin, Pommern and died on December 19, 1860 in Panzerin, Kreis Belgard, Pommern at the age of 71. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedJohanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner , daughter ofJohann Gottfried Küttner andMaria Dorothea Schulzin . The second time he marriedJohanna Christine Friederike Drews .Children of
Carl Christian Ludwig Butzke andJohanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner :Albertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke (1829–1913)
Children of
Carl Christian Ludwig Butzke andJohanna Christine Friederike Drews :Luise Henriette Butzke (1818–1884)
- Generation 2back to top
Albertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke , daughter ofCarl Christian Ludwig Butzke andJohanna Dorothea Sophie Küttner , was born on January 2, 1829 in Hoffelde, Kreis Naugard, Pommern and died on July 9, 1913 in Kolberg, Pommern at the age of 84. She marriedCarl Gustav Ebert (half-sister’s granddaughter’s sister-in-law’s great-great-uncle’s son), son ofJohann Martin Ebert andWilhelmine Albertine Lisette Krähe .Children of
Albertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke andCarl Gustav Ebert :Anna Ebert (1850–1929)Johannes Karl Ebert (1852–1940)Eugen Ebert (1853–)Minna Ebert (1854–1938)
Luise Henriette Butzke , daughter ofCarl Christian Ludwig Butzke andJohanna Christine Friederike Drews , was born on May 30, 1818 in Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland and died on May 23, 1884 in Stuttgart at the age of 65. She marriedLouis Eduard Hackert , son ofGottlieb Johann Eduard Hackert andSophie Charlotte Henriette Kutzky .Children of
Luise Henriette Butzke andLouis Eduard Hackert :Elise Helene Hackert (1851–1917)
- Generation 3back to top
Anna Ebert , daughter ofCarl Gustav Ebert andAlbertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke , was born in 1850 and died in 1929 at the age of 79. She marriedAlbrecht Schmidt .Children of
Anna Ebert andAlbrecht Schmidt :Rudolf Schmidt (1873–1940)Heinrich Schmidt (1875–1946)Jürgen Schmidt (1883–1941)
Johannes Karl Ebert , kaufmann, son ofCarl Gustav Ebert andAlbertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke , was born on February 29, 1852 in Labes, Kreis Regenwalde and died on January 25, 1940 in Labes, Kreis Regenwalde at the age of 87. He marriedElise Helene Hackert , daughter ofLouis Eduard Hackert andLuise Henriette Butzke .Children of
Johannes Karl Ebert andElise Helene Hackert :Ella Ebert (1878–1962)Dr. Felix Ebert (1879–1956)Anna Ebert (1881–1975)Gertrud Klara Hedwig Ebert (1883–1919)
Eugen Ebert , kolonialwarenhändler, son ofCarl Gustav Ebert andAlbertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke , was born estimated 1853.Minna Ebert , daughter ofCarl Gustav Ebert andAlbertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke , was born on March 8, 1854 and died on October 26, 1938 at the age of 84. She marriedDr. Ulrich Wellmann .Children of
Minna Ebert andDr. Ulrich Wellmann :Siegfried Wellmann (1875–1947)Ulrich Wellmann (1881–1947)Felix Wellmann (1884–1915)Martin Wellmann Elisabeth Wellmann Karl Wellmann Maria Wellmann (1887–1974)Dr. med. Martha Wellmann (1888–1974)Annemarie Wellmann (1890–1962)Margarete Wellmann (1891–1962)Rose Wellmann (1893–1928)
Elise Helene Hackert , daughter ofLouis Eduard Hackert andLuise Henriette Butzke , was born on February 6, 1851 in Körlin, Powiat białogardzki, Woiwodschaft Westpommern and died on July 27, 1917 in Labes, Kreis Regenwalde at the age of 66. She marriedJohannes Karl Ebert , son ofCarl Gustav Ebert andAlbertine Auguste Adelheide Butzke .Children of
Elise Helene Hackert andJohannes Karl Ebert :Ella Ebert (1878–1962)Dr. Felix Ebert (1879–1956)Anna Ebert (1881–1975)Gertrud Klara Hedwig Ebert (1883–1919)