Johann PahlAge: 62 years1829–1891
- Name
- Johann Pahl
- Given names
- Johann
- Surname
- Pahl
Family with Karoline Knaak |
himself |
Johann Pahl Birth: May 25, 1829 — Grünlinde, Westpreußen Death: October 14, 1891 — Grünlinde, Westpreußen |
wife |
Karoline Knaak Birth: May 3, 1839 29 21 — Zempelburg, Flatow, Pommern Death: July 31, 1924 — Grünlinde, Westpreußen |
son |
Eduard Julius Pahl Birth: June 22, 1860 31 21 — Grünlinde, Zbose, Kujawien-Pommern |
Birth | May 25, 1829 |
Birth of a son #1 | Eduard Julius Pahl June 22, 1860 (Age 31 years) |
Death | October 14, 1891 (Age 62 years) |
Last change | December 29, 2017 – 20:31:24 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Johann Pahl was born on May 25, 1829 in Grünlinde, Westpreußen and died on October 14, 1891 in Grünlinde, Westpreußen at the age of 62. He marriedKaroline Knaak , daughter ofKarl Ludwig Knaak andElisabeth Müller .Children of
Johann Pahl andKaroline Knaak :Eduard Julius Pahl (1860–)
- Generation 2back to top
Eduard Julius Pahl , son ofJohann Pahl andKaroline Knaak , was born on June 22, 1860 in Grünlinde, Zbose, Kujawien-Pommern.