Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie UbbelohdeAge: 60 years1835–1895
- Name
- Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie Ubbelohde
- Given names
- Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie
- Surname
- Ubbelohde
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: August 4, 1794 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: December 5, 1849 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
mother |
Birth: July 19, 1799 25 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 16, 1882 — Kloster Mariensee |
elder sister |
Johanna Luise Marianne Ubbelohde Birth: July 25, 1822 27 23 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 22, 1917 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland |
18 months elder brother |
Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde Birth: January 13, 1824 29 24 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: March 14, 1871 — Buenos Aires, Argentinien |
18 months elder brother |
Carl Ernst Christian Ubbelohde Birth: July 29, 1825 30 26 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: February 14, 1904 — Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin |
2 years elder brother |
Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde Birth: November 15, 1827 33 28 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: May 10, 1894 — Celle |
6 years elder brother |
Birth: November 18, 1833 39 34 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: September 30, 1898 — Marburg, Hessen |
21 months herself |
Birth: August 4, 1835 41 36 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 1, 1895 — Magdeburg |
3 years younger brother |
Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde Birth: April 16, 1838 43 38 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: |
younger brother |
Theodor Carl Ubbelohde Birth: April 16, 1838 43 38 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: February 27, 1897 — Antwerpen, Belgien |
Family with Carl Ludwig Heinrich Bornemann |
husband | |
herself |
Birth: August 4, 1835 41 36 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: October 1, 1895 — Magdeburg |
Birth | August 4, 1835 41 36 |
Birth of a brother | Justus Carl Georg Theodor Ubbelohde April 16, 1838 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Theodor Carl Ubbelohde April 16, 1838 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde December 5, 1849 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a brother | Wilhelm Johann Ubbelohde March 14, 1871 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a mother | Caroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns October 16, 1882 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a brother | Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde May 10, 1894 (Age 58 years) |
Death | October 1, 1895 (Age 60 years) |
Last change | February 1, 2022 – 10:32:00 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Auguste Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Caroline Christiane Emilie Ubbelohde , daughter ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns , was born on August 4, 1835 in Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland and died on October 1, 1895 in Magdeburg at the age of 60. She marriedCarl Ludwig Heinrich Bornemann .