Eleonore Marianne Elisabeth “Illo” BöttcherAge: 80 years1925–2005
- Name
- Eleonore Marianne Elisabeth “Illo” Böttcher
- Given names
- Eleonore Marianne Elisabeth
- Surname
- Böttcher
- Married name
- Eleonore Marianne Elisabeth Schmidt
- Nickname
- Illo
- Also known as
- Ele
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: October 22, 1892 39 27 — Kappeln, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland Death: July 20, 1974 — Eckernförde |
mother |
Birth: March 13, 1896 29 22 — Wesselburen, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland Death: April 14, 1978 — Eckernförde |
herself |
Birth: May 10, 1925 32 29 — Eckernförde Death: August 10, 2005 — Hamburg |
Birth | May 10, 1925 32 29 |
Death of a father | Otto Böttcher July 20, 1974 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a mother | Minna Catharina Tech April 14, 1978 (Age 52 years) |
Death | August 10, 2005 (Age 80 years) |
Last change | February 5, 2021 – 11:55:58 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Eleonore Marianne Elisabeth “Illo” Böttcher , daughter ofOtto Böttcher andMinna Catharina Tech , was born on May 10, 1925 in Eckernförde and died on August 10, 2005 in Hamburg at the age of 80.