Dorothea Sophie “Dora Dösch” DorschAge: 61 years1897–1959
- Name
- Dorothea Sophie “Dora Dösch” Dorsch
- Given names
- Dorothea Sophie
- Surname
- Dorsch
- Married name
- Dorothea Sophie Schmidt
- Nickname
- Dora Dösch
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: September 27, 1858 31 32 — Sand, Kreis Preußisch Eylau, Ostpreussen Death: May 11, 1932 — Eckernförde |
mother |
Birth: May 20, 1862 44 40 — Gaudischkehmen, Kreis Gumbinnen, Ostpreussen Death: May 26, 1946 — Eckernförde |
elder brother |
5 years elder brother |
Rudolf Wilhelm Dorsch Birth: January 3, 1892 33 29 Death: December 8, 1914 |
2 years elder brother |
Max Peter Johannes Dorsch Birth: February 24, 1894 35 31 Death: June 1, 1916 |
4 years herself |
Birth: November 2, 1897 39 35 — Eckernförde Death: February 15, 1959 — Eckernförde |
brother |
Gustav Dorsch Birth: Death: |
brother |
Christian Dorsch Birth: Death: |
sister |
sister |
Anna Dorsch Birth: Death: |
brother |
Wilhelm Dorsch Birth: Death: |
Birth | November 2, 1897 39 35 |
Death of a brother | Rudolf Wilhelm Dorsch December 8, 1914 (Age 17 years) Cause: gefallen im Ersten Weltkrieg |
Death of a brother | Max Peter Johannes Dorsch June 1, 1916 (Age 18 years) Cause: gefallen im Ersten Weltkrieg |
Death of a father | Johann Gottlieb Dorsch May 11, 1932 (Age 34 years) Address: In der eigenen Wohnung
Kieler Str. 46 |
Death of a mother | Anna Louise Koch May 26, 1946 (Age 48 years) |
Death | February 15, 1959 (Age 61 years) |
Religion | Evangelisch |
Last change | October 6, 2021 – 14:43:09 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Dorothea Sophie “Dora Dösch” Dorsch , daughter ofJohann Gottlieb Dorsch andAnna Louise Koch , was born on November 2, 1897 in Eckernförde and died on February 15, 1959 in Eckernförde at the age of 61. She marriedKarl Andreas Schmidt , son ofJohannes Schmidt andMaria Dorothea Lange .