Engelbert StursbergAge: 62 years1749–1811
- Name
- Engelbert Stursberg
- Given names
- Engelbert
- Surname
- Stursberg
Family with Anna GERTRUD Hilger |
himself |
Engelbert Stursberg Birth: January 22, 1749 — Lüttringhausen (Remscheid) Death: March 7, 1811 — Lennep |
wife |
Anna GERTRUD Hilger Birth: September 16, 1759 28 31 — Lennep Death: August 2, 1828 — Lennep |
son |
Johann Wilhelm Stursberg Birth: November 25, 1789 40 30 — Lennep Death: December 30, 1858 — Lennep |
Birth | January 22, 1749 |
Birth of a son #1 | Johann Wilhelm Stursberg November 25, 1789 (Age 40 years) Source: Heidermanns.net Citation details: http://www.heidermanns.net/gen-pers.php?ID=76409 |
Death | March 7, 1811 (Age 62 years) |
Last change | May 11, 2021 – 19:17:44 by: Matthias Fink |
- Generation 1
Engelbert Stursberg was born on January 22, 1749 in Lüttringhausen (Remscheid) and died on March 7, 1811 in Lennep at the age of 62. He marriedAnna GERTRUD Hilger , daughter ofBernhard Hilger andAnna GERTRUD Sträterhoff .Children of
Engelbert Stursberg andAnna GERTRUD Hilger :Johann Wilhelm Stursberg (1789–1858)
- Generation 2back to top
Johann Wilhelm Stursberg , son ofEngelbert Stursberg andAnna GERTRUD Hilger , was born on November 25, 1789 in Lennep and died on December 30, 1858 in Lennep at the age of 69. He marriedWilhelmina Schmitz .Children of
Johann Wilhelm Stursberg andWilhelmina Schmitz :Carl August Stursberg (1819–1901)Hermann Stursberg (1822–1904)… … (1847–1932)
- Generation 3back to top
Carl August Stursberg , son ofJohann Wilhelm Stursberg andWilhelmina Schmitz , was born on April 2, 1819 in Lennep and died on July 4, 1901 in Bonn at the age of 82. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedMathilde Adelheid Schmidt , daughter ofTobias Friedrich Schmidt andCornelia Christine Jorissen . The second time he marriedCarolina Friederike Semler .Children of
Carl August Stursberg andMathilde Adelheid Schmidt :Cornelie Stursberg (1861–1937)Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg (1866–)Emmy Stursberg Hans Stursberg
Hermann Stursberg , son ofJohann Wilhelm Stursberg andWilhelmina Schmitz , was born on May 22, 1822 in Lennep and died on August 16, 1904 in Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg at the age of 82. He marriedBabette Mauer .Children of
Hermann Stursberg andBabette Mauer :William Stursberg (1847–1932)Julius Albert Stursberg (1852–1929)Hermann Stursberg (1855–1936)Anna Stursberg (1859–1944)
… … , son ofJohann Wilhelm Stursberg andWilhelmina Schmitz , was born in 1847 and died in 1932 at the age of 85.