Schmechel Waters Flemming Gielessen Demoulin Schmidtmann von Dahlen Kern Fink Wulf Ebert Lohmeyer

Broder NissenAge: 58 years17541812

Broder Nissen
Given names
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Syke Ipsen - View this family
Syke Ipsen
Birth: February 13, 1760 33 32Hallig Südfall, Schleswig-Holstein
Death: August 14, 1828Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
19 months
Paul Nissen
Birth: August 7, 1790 36 30Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
2 years
Lorenz Nissen
Birth: November 7, 1792 38 32Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
2 years
Anna Catharina Elisabeth Nissen
Birth: December 1, 1794 40 34Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
2 years
Ipke Nissen
Birth: May 6, 1797 43 37Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
Death: February 26, 1852Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
5 years
Antje Nissen
Birth: about 1801 46 40
Family with Elisabeth Catharina Viereck - View this family
3 years
Christian Ludwig Nissen
Birth: about 1784 29
Family with - View this family
Teede Lohmann + Elisabeth Catharina Viereck - View this family
wife’s husband
Lohmann + - View this family
wife’s husband

Birth February 22, 1754
Baptism February 27, 1754 (Age 5 days)
Death of a wife
before 1781 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Christian Nissen
about 1782 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Christian Ludwig Nissen
about 1784 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a son
Broder Thomas Nissen
about 1789 (Age 34 years)

Birth of a son
Paul Nissen
August 7, 1790 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a son
Lorenz Nissen
November 7, 1792 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Catharina Elisabeth Nissen
December 1, 1794 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a son
Ipke Nissen
May 6, 1797 (Age 43 years)
Kätner ohne Land

Note: Census 1803: Kätner ohne Land, und erhält etwas Unterstützung
Baptism of a sonIpke Nissen
May 9, 1797 (Age 43 years)
Address: Alte Kirche / St. Salvator
Birth of a daughter
Antje Nissen
about 1801 (Age 46 years)

Birth of a grandson
before 1812 (Age 57 years)

Birth of a grandson
before 1812 (Age 57 years)

Death June 2, 1812 (Age 58 years)
Cause of death: Brustkrankheit
Burial June 7, 1812 (5 days after death)
Address: Alte Kirche
Last change August 6, 202111:08:36

by: Andreas Kern

Census 1803: Kätner ohne Land, und erhält etwas Unterstützung

  1. Generation 1
    1. Broder Nissen, kätner ohne Land, son of Christian Nissen and Catharina Thomsen, was born on February 22, 1754 in Untjehörn, Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein and died on June 2, 1812 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland at the age of 58. He married 3 times. The first time he married Syke Ipsen, daughter of Paul Ipsen and Anna Catharina Boysen. The second time he married Elisabeth Catharina Viereck, daughter of Friedrich Christian Viereck. The third time he married .

      Children of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen:

      1. Broder Thomas Nissen (1789)
      2. Paul Nissen (1790)
      3. Lorenz Nissen (1792)
      4. Anna Catharina Elisabeth Nissen (1794)
      5. Ipke Nissen (17971852)
      6. Antje Nissen (1801)

      Children of Broder Nissen and Elisabeth Catharina Viereck:

      1. Christian Nissen (1782)
      2. Christian Ludwig Nissen (1784)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Broder Thomas Nissen, son of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born about 1789. He married Maria Christina .

    2. Paul Nissen, son of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born on August 7, 1790 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. He married Margaretha Andresen.

    3. Lorenz Nissen, son of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born on November 7, 1792 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland.

    4. Anna Catharina Elisabeth Nissen, daughter of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born on December 1, 1794 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. She married Backe Payßen.

    5. Ipke Nissen, tagelöhner (in 1845), arbeitsmann and gastwirt, son of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born on May 6, 1797 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland and died on February 26, 1852 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland at the age of 54. He married (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, daughter of Johann Lorenzen and Anna Margaretha Levsen.

      Children of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen:

      1. Anna Sophia Nissen (18271912)
      2. Broder Nissen (18281903)
      3. Heinrich Mathias Nissen (1831)
      4. Johanna Maria Nissen (1835)
      5. Johanna Maria Nissen (1838)
      6. Heinrich Matthias Nissen (1839)
    6. Antje Nissen, daughter of Broder Nissen and Syke Ipsen, was born about 1801.

    7. Christian Nissen, son of Broder Nissen and Elisabeth Catharina Viereck, was born about 1782. He married Anna Dorothea Felder, daughter of Hans Felder.

      Children of Christian Nissen and Anna Dorothea Felder:

      1. Nissen (1812)
      2. Nissen (1812)
    8. Christian Ludwig Nissen, son of Broder Nissen and Elisabeth Catharina Viereck, was born about 1784.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Anna Sophia Nissen, rentiere (in 1900), daughter of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on February 6, 1827 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland and died on November 24, 1912 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland at the age of 85. She married Georg Nikolaus Nommsen (brother-in-law), son of Nomme Edlef Nommsen and Magdalena Bahnsen.

      Children of Anna Sophia Nissen and Georg Nikolaus Nommsen:

      1. Justine Magdalena Nommsen (1855)
      2. Nanny Lucia Nommsen (18561914)
      3. Nikolaus Eduard Nommsen (1858)
      4. Helena Johanna Nommsen (1861)
      5. Heinrich Conrad Nommsen (18641947)
      6. Anton Georg Nommsen (1867)
    2. Broder Nissen, son of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on May 23, 1828 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland and died on January 22, 1903 at the age of 74. He married Eicke Helena Nommsen (sister-in-law), daughter of Nomme Edlef Nommsen and Magdalena Bahnsen.

      Children of Broder Nissen and Eicke Helena Nommsen:

      1. Julius Matthias Nissen (1857)
      2. Nicolaus Ludwig Nissen Nissen (1859)
    3. Heinrich Mathias Nissen, son of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on April 11, 1831 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland.

    4. Johanna Maria Nissen, daughter of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on October 9, 1835 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland.

    5. Johanna Maria Nissen, daughter of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on July 6, 1838 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland.

    6. Heinrich Matthias Nissen, son of Ipke Nissen and (Anna) Lucia Lorenzen, was born on November 14, 1839 in Pellworm, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. He married Carolina Amalia Hansen, daughter of Hans Hansen and Antje Petersen.

      Children of Heinrich Matthias Nissen and Carolina Amalia Hansen:

      1. Julius Herrmann Nissen (1864)
      2. Anna Lucia Nissen (1866)
      3. Herrmann Ludwig Nissen (1868)
      4. Heinrich M Nissen (1876)
    7. Nissen, son of Christian Nissen and Anna Dorothea Felder, was born before 1812.

    8. Nissen, son of Christian Nissen and Anna Dorothea Felder, was born before 1812.

Broder Nissen has 0 first cousins recorded

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