Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” PoppeAge: 94 years1844–1938
- Name
- Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe
- Given names
- Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie
- Surname
- Poppe
- Married name
- Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie Ubbelohde
- Nickname
- Amalie
Family with Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde |
husband |
Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde Birth: November 15, 1827 33 28 — Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Death: May 10, 1894 — Celle |
herself |
Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe Birth: 1844 Death: 1938 |
son |
Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde Birth: January 4, 1877 49 33 — Hannover Death: February 28, 1964 — Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland |
Birth | 1844 |
Birth of a son #1 | Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde January 4, 1877 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a husband | Julius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde May 10, 1894 (Age 50 years) |
Occupation | Physikochemiker |
Death | 1938 (Age 94 years) |
Last change | August 4, 2021 – 09:38:52 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe , physikochemiker, was born in 1844 and died in 1938 at the age of 94. She marriedJulius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde , son ofJohann Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Ubbelohde andCaroline Sophie Charlotte Brauns .Children of
Johanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe andJulius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde :Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde (1877–1964)
- Generation 2back to top
Leo Carl Eduard Ubbelohde , son ofJulius Eduard Karl Prof. Dr. Ubbelohde andJohanna Friedrike Karoline Philippine Wilhelmine Emilie “Amalie” Poppe , was born on January 4, 1877 in Hannover and died on February 28, 1964 in Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland at the age of 87.