Karl KernAge: 0 days1880–1880
- Name
- Karl Kern
- Given names
- Karl
- Surname
- Kern
Family with parents |
father |
Carl Adolph Kern Birth: April 10, 1843 30 25 — Lübben, Spreewald Death: June 19, 1919 — Lübben, Spreewald |
mother |
Henriette Marie Emilie Kotte Birth: January 9, 1853 33 29 — Lübben, Spreewald Death: December 2, 1935 — Lübben, Spreewald |
elder brother |
Dr. phil. Carl Emil Adolf Kern Birth: December 6, 1878 35 25 — Lübben, Spreewald Death: April 12, 1918 — Locon bei Béthune, Flandern, Frankreich |
2 years himself |
Karl Kern Birth: about 1880 36 26 Death: about 1880 |
Birth | about 1880 36 26 |
Death | about 1880 |
Last change | July 28, 2022 – 15:11:05 by: Andreas Kern |
- Generation 1
Karl Kern , son ofCarl Adolph Kern andHenriette Marie Emilie Kotte , was born about 1880 and died about 1880.