Maria Catharina WatersAge: 11 days1866–1866
- Name
- Maria Catharina Waters
- Given names
- Maria Catharina
- Surname
- Waters
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Hendrik Waters Birth: January 16, 1830 — Amern, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: |
mother |
Anna Catharina Herwegens Birth: September 10, 1830 21 21 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande Death: |
elder brother |
Pieter Waters Birth: December 17, 1858 28 28 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande Death: January 2, 1859 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande |
4 years elder brother |
Allouisius Waters Birth: October 27, 1862 32 32 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande |
3 years herself |
Maria Catharina Waters Birth: January 3, 1866 35 35 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande Death: January 14, 1866 — Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande |
Birth | January 3, 1866 35 35 |
Death | January 14, 1866 (Age 11 days) |
Last change | January 6, 2025 – 18:14:37 by: Norbert Waters |
- Generation 1
Maria Catharina Waters , daughter ofJohann Hendrik Waters andAnna Catharina Herwegens , was born on January 3, 1866 in Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande and died on January 14, 1866 in Kessel, Limburg, Niederlande at the age of 11 days.