Anna KirchnerAge: 12 months1893–1894
- Name
- Anna Kirchner
- Given names
- Anna
- Surname
- Kirchner
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Birth: May 23, 1865 — Rendsburg, Schleswig-Holstein Death: November 22, 1943 — Demmin, Vorpommern |
elder sister |
Birth: June 26, 1885 30 20 — Altona Stadtkreis Death: March 10, 1960 — Zehlendorf, Berlin |
3 years elder brother |
Friedrich Rudolf Johannes Christian Kirchner Birth: April 10, 1888 33 22 — Berlin Death: July 3, 1945 — Fünfeichen, Neubrandenburg |
2 years elder brother |
3 years herself |
Anna Kirchner Birth: 1893 38 27 Death: 1894 |
Birth | 1893 38 27 |
Death | 1894 (Age 12 months) |
Last change | November 18, 2018 – 16:38:21 by: Norbert |
- Generation 1
Anna Kirchner , daughter ofProf. Dr. Martin Kirchner andMaria Dorothea Elise Julie Petersen , was born in 1893 and died in 1894 at the age of 12 months.