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Dr. Ing. e.h. Theodor Adolf von Möller

Theodor Adolf von MöllerAge: 85 years18401925

Theodor Adolf von Möller
Given names
Theodor Adolf
von Möller
Family with parents - View this family
Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph von Möller
Birth: May 20, 1805Kupferhammer bei Brackwede
Death: July 25, 1878Kupferhammer bei Brackwede
Family with Karoline Eleonore Tiemann - View this family
Karoline Eleonore Tiemann
Birth: July 15, 1853Bielefeld
Death: November 16, 1935Bad Wiessee am Tegernsee
Dr. Oswald Friedrich Werner von Möller
Birth: July 7, 1879 38 25Kupferhammer, Brackwede, Bielefeld
Death: June 30, 1932Tübingen

Birth August 10, 1840 35 32

Death of a fatherFriedrich Wilhelm Adolph von Möller
July 25, 1878 (Age 37 years)
Death of a motherHenriette Friederike Woermann
July 25, 1878 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Dr. Oswald Friedrich Werner von Möller
July 7, 1879 (Age 38 years)
Unternehmer, Reichstagsabgeordneter, Preußischer Handelsminister

Death December 6, 1925 (Age 85 years)
Address: Gut Kupferhammer bei
Last change February 14, 202011:07:05

by: Norbert
  1. Generation 1
    1. Theodor Adolf von Möller

      Theodor Adolf von Möller, unternehmer, Reichstagsabgeordneter, Preußischer Handelsminister, son of Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph von Möller and Henriette Friederike Woermann, was born on August 10, 1840 and died on December 6, 1925 in Brackwede at the age of 85. He married Karoline Eleonore Tiemann.

      Children of Theodor Adolf von Möller and Karoline Eleonore Tiemann:

      1. Dr. Oswald Friedrich Werner von Möller (18791932)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Dr. Oswald Friedrich Werner von Möller, arzt, son of Theodor Adolf von Möller and Karoline Eleonore Tiemann, was born on July 7, 1879 in Kupferhammer, Brackwede, Bielefeld and died on June 30, 1932 in Tübingen at the age of 52. He married Anna Emma Charlotte “Anny” Sattler, daughter of Carl Heinrich Christian Dr. Sattler and Johanna Louise Sophia Auguste Pinkepank.


Theodor Adolf von Möller has 0 first cousins recorded

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