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Otto Alwin Max KriegAge: 80 years18621942

Otto Alwin Max Krieg
Given names
Otto Alwin Max
Family with Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg - View this family
Otto Alwin Max Krieg
Birth: June 6, 1862Wesel
Death: September 15, 1942Hamburg
Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg
Birth: 1866 46 34Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA
Death: Hamburg

Birth June 6, 1862
Death September 15, 1942 (Age 80 years)
Last change February 8, 201916:47:50

by: Matthias Fink
  1. Generation 1
    1. Otto Alwin Max Krieg was born on June 6, 1862 in Wesel and died on September 15, 1942 in Hamburg at the age of 80. He married Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg, daughter of Carl August Stursberg and Mathilde Adelheid Schmidt.

No family available