Otto Alwin Max KriegAge: 80 years1862–1942
- Name
- Otto Alwin Max Krieg
- Given names
- Otto Alwin Max
- Surname
- Krieg
Family with Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg |
himself |
Otto Alwin Max Krieg Birth: June 6, 1862 — Wesel Death: September 15, 1942 — Hamburg |
wife |
Mathilde “Tilla” Stursberg Birth: 1866 46 34 — Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA Death: Hamburg |
Birth | June 6, 1862 |
Death | September 15, 1942 (Age 80 years) |
Last change | February 8, 2019 – 16:47:50 by: Matthias Fink |
- Generation 1
Otto Alwin Max Krieg was born on June 6, 1862 in Wesel and died on September 15, 1942 in Hamburg at the age of 80. He marriedMathilde “Tilla” Stursberg , daughter ofCarl August Stursberg andMathilde Adelheid Schmidt .